Use "Confirm To" Field to look up "Telephone 2" Field in SO


I am trying to place the <Telephone2> field in AR_CustomerContact on the SO_SalesOrder Header. I am placing it over the Fax Number Field as we don't use fax numbers much. I have created a UDF in SO_SalesOrder Header file to hold the value, and have placed it on the panel.

I am assuming I need to write a script to accomplish this.

Post validate column "Confirm to" on SO Header.

Get <Confirm To> Value.

Use that Value to look up <Telephone2> from the AP_CustomerContact file.

Set value to the UDF field. 

I don't know how to script the part where you use the value to find the correct telephone field.

Here is what i have so far:

MobileNo = ""

ConfirmTo = ""

ContactMobile = ""


<<<<<use ConfirmTo to retrieve Telephone2 and set as ContactMobile >>>>


Any help is appreciated.

  • 0

    Don't use a UDF, just have the script write the number to the Fax Number field and change the label

  • 0

    Hi Justin -- Below is a button script I have that looks up the contact's email address and slaps it in the email field. I don't know how button scripts differ from the scripting you are doing, but maybe this will help. This script does throw an error if the contact name includes an apostrophe.

    BTW ... This script happens to be a modification of one that BigLouie once posted.

    Dim sEmail, sContact

    if SO_SalesOrder_bus_ConfirmTo <> "" and not isnull(SO_SalesOrder_bus_ConfirmTo) then
    sContact = SO_SalesOrder_bus_ConfirmTo
    sContact = "Not on file"
    end if

    strConnectionString = "DSN=SOTAMAS90;UID=zzz|ABC;PWD=xxx"
    Set objCN = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    objCN.Open strConnectionString
    Set objRS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

    strSQLQuery = "SELECT * FROM AR_CustomerContact WHERE  ARDivisionNo = '" & SO_SalesOrder_bus_ARDivisionNo _
    & "' AND CustomerNo = '" & SO_SalesOrder_bus_CustomerNo _
    & "' AND ContactName = '" & sContact & "'"

    Set objRS = objCN.Execute(strSQLQuery)

    Do While Not objRS.EOF
    sEmail = objRS.Fields("EmailAddress")

    if sEmail <> "" and not isnull(sEmail) then
    SO_SalesOrder_bus_EmailAddress = sEmail

    SO_SalesOrder_bus_EmailAddress = ""

    end if

    Set objRS = nothing
    Set objCN = nothing

  • 0 in reply to Helium


    What is the UID and PWD in this line referring to? :

    Helium said:
    strConnectionString = "DSN=SOTAMAS90;UID=zzz|ABC;PWD=xxx"
  • 0 in reply to Justin Thomas

    User ID and password

    zzz is the user ID, ABC is your company code, xxx is zzz's password

  • 0 in reply to Helium

    Thanks again Helium. I have pasted the code in and set my UID/PWD etc to the correct prameters, but it ins't working. I have the code firing after a confirm to person has been selected, and i see the "confirm to" field change briefly to the contact code, then back to the name, but the email isn't populating- it remains blank. I am going to look more at it tonight. I am quite new to scripting so i don't know i will see the error.

  • +1 in reply to Justin Thomas
    verified answer

    this is the code that i use on post-validate of the Confirm To field:

    Dim strConnectionString, objCN
    Dim oContact, sConfirmTo, sCCode, sDiv, sCustCode, sEmail, company, username, password

    company = oSession.CompanyCode
    username = "xxx"
    password = "yyy"

    sConfirmTo = ""
    sDiv = ""
    sCCode = ""
    sEmail = ""

    retval = oBusObj.GetValue("ARDivisionNo$", sDiv)
    retval = oBusObj.GetValue("CustomerNo$", sCustCode)
    retval = oBusObj.GetValue("ConfirmTo$", sConfirmTo)

    If sConfirmTo <>"" then

    strConnectionString = "DSN=SOTAMAS90;UID="+username+"|"+company+";PWD="+password+""

    Set objCN = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    objCN.Open strConnectionString

    Set objRS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    strSQLQuery = "SELECT * FROM AR_CustomerContact WHERE ARDivisionNo = '" & sDiv _
    & "' AND CustomerNo = '" & sCustCode _
    & "' AND ContactName = '" & sConfirmTo & "'"
    Set objRS = objCN.Execute(strSQLQuery)

    Do While Not objRS.EOF
    sEmail = objRS.Fields("EmailAddress")

    if sEmail <> "" and not isnull(sEmail) then
    retval = oBusObj.SetValue("EmailAddress$", sEmail)
    end if


    Set objRS = nothing
    Set objCN = nothing
    end if

  • 0 in reply to hyanaga

    Thank you so much!!!! This works great!!!!!!