Error when running WScript.Shell object (OLE ERROR -2147024894)


Hello Everyone,

I am trying to run a 3rd party exe on a button click using VB Script ,

The code is trowing (OLE ERROR -2147024894)

i have added the code and also the error message i got


Dim ss
Set ss = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
ss.Run "C:\sage100\Test\Test.exe ",1,true

Parents Reply
  • 0 in reply to seshasai

    If using oBusObj, you will need the script to run on the server. So you will have to refer to my post in the link i included in my earlier post. You also haven't answered some of my other questions about verifying the path is reachable from the server and if you have tried clicking the "info" button and verifying the line specified (line 50) is your ss.Run line. Can you post the contents of the "info"?
