Error Attempting to Open Crystal Reports via Script.



I'm working on a project where I need to pass a parameter to and open a custom crystal report. I have done a lot of searching, and understand that it is possible, but I can't even open crystal let alone pass parameters. I keep receiving the following error: 

OLE Error Number: 429
Description: ActiveX component can't create object: 'CrystalRuntime.Application'
Language: VBScript

I have tried several different methods of opening crystal, here are a few but I get the same error regardless:


Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 
Set Appn = CreateObject("CrystalRuntime.Application") 
Set Report = Appn.OpenReport(ReportName)


Dim oApp, oRpt 
vFilenameReport = UCase("C:\Path\ToReport\myreport.rpt") 
vFilenameExport = UCase("C:\Path\ToDestination\myreport.xls") 
Set oApp =CreateObject("CrystalRuntime.Application") 
Set oRpt = oApp.OpenReport(vFilenameReport, 1) 

If anyone has any knowledge as to what I'm doing wrong I would greatly appreciate it. 


  • 0

    Here are two scripts you can use to open a report using the SY_ReportEngine object.

    One is for executing from a button or event script, i.e. from inside of sage 100.

    The other is for executing from outside of sage 100. Make sure the script file is executed by the 32 bit version of cscript.exe or wscript.exe.

    This is from inside sage 100.

    If IsObject(oSession) Then
    	sReportName = "Report1.rpt"
    	sReportTitle = "Report Test"
    	sPathRoot = ""
    	sPathRoot = oSession.PathCSRoot
    	Set oFileSystemObject = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    	If Not(oFileSystemObject.FolderExists(sPathRoot)) Then sPathRoot = oSession.PathRoot
    	sReportPath = sPathRoot & "Reports\" & sReportName
    	bValidReportPath = oFileSystemObject.FileExists(sReportPath)
    	Set oFileSystemObject = Nothing
    	sErrorMsg = ""
    	If bValidReportPath Then
    		nReport_Rpt = 0 : nReport_Rpt = oSession.GetObject("SY_ReportEngine")
    		If nReport_Rpt > 0 Then
    			Set oReport_Rpt = oSession.AsObject(nReport_Rpt)
    			If oReport_Rpt.OpenReport(sReportPath) = 1 Then
    				oReport_Rpt.SetReportTitle sReportTitle
    				oReport_Rpt.SetPreviewOptions sReportTitle
    				If oReport_Rpt.DatabaseLogon() = 1 Then
    					oReport_Rpt.SetSelectionFormula("Not(IsNull({SO_SalesOrderHeader.CustomerPONo}))") ' Use this to set your own selection formula in Crystal Syntax.
    					oReport_Rpt.SetFormula "CompanyCode", """" & oSession.CompanyCode & """" ' Use this to set the value of the formula name specified in the first argument. You must respect the syntax specified in the formula in the report.
    					sErrorMsg = "Unable to logon to database." _
    					& vbCrLf & "Error Number: " & oReport_Rpt.sLastErrorNum _
    					& vbCrLf & "Error Message: " & oReport_Rpt.sLastErrorMsg
    				End If
    				sErrorMsg = "Unable to open report." _
    				& vbCrLf & "Error Number: " & oReport_Rpt.sLastErrorNum _
    				& vbCrLf & "Error Message: " & oReport_Rpt.sLastErrorMsg
    			End If
    			Set oReport_Rpt = Nothing
    			sErrorMsg = "Unable to get handle to SY_ReportEngine." _
    			& vbCrLf & "Error Number: " & oSession.sLastErrorNum _
    			& vbCrLf & "Error Message: " & oSession.sLastErrorMsg
    		End If
    		sErrorMsg = """" & sReportPath & """ could not be found."
    	End If
    End If

    This is from outside sage 100.

    Set oWScriptShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    sPathRoot = oWScriptShell.RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ODBC\ODBC.INI\SOTAMAS90\Directory") ' Using the SOTAMAS90 DSN to determine path.
    Set oWScriptShell = Nothing
    sReportName = "Report1.rpt"
    sReportPath = sPathRoot & "\Reports\" & sReportName
    Set oFileSystemObject = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    bValidReportPath = oFileSystemObject.FileExists(sReportPath)
    Set oFileSystemObject = Nothing
    sErrorMsg = ""
    If bValidReportPath Then
    	Set oProvideXScript = CreateObject ("ProvideX.Script")
    	oProvideXScript.Init(sPathRoot & "\Home") ' Make sure to set this path to point to the mas90 folder on the server if you don't use the SOTAMAS90 DSN.
    	Set oSession = oProvideXScript.NewObject("SY_Session")
    	Set oProvideXScript = Nothing
    	' UI object is needed if you want to see progress bars, message boxes, or preview the report.
    	If IsObject(oSession.oUI) Then
    		Set oUI = oSession.oUI ' Use this to set your own object handle to the existing UI object.
    		' oSession.nTerminateUI ' Use this to terminate the UI if it exists and you don't need it.
    		Set oUI = oSession.oInitiateUI() ' Use this to set your own object handle by initiating the UI object.
    	End If
    	' Make sure to specify credentials.
    	sUserName = "user"
    	sUserPassword = "password"
    	If oSession.nSetUser(sUserName, sUserPassword) = 1 Then
    		sCompanyCode = "ABC"
    		If oSession.nSetCompany(sCompanyCode) = 1 Then
    			sModuleCode = "S/Y" ' Set this to the module code that you intend to access in the X/X format.
    			sModuleDate = "20190815" ' This needs to be in yyyyMMdd format.
    			sModuleDate = oSession.sSystemDate ' Use this if you want to use the current system date returned by the SY_Session object.
    			oSession.nSetDate sModuleCode, sModuleDate
    			oSession.nSetModule sModuleCode
    			sReportTitle = "Report Test"
    			If oSession.nSetProgram(oSession.nLookupTask("SY_Listing_UI")) > 0 Then
    				nReport_Rpt = 0 : nReport_Rpt = oSession.nNewObject("SY_ReportEngine")
    				If nReport_Rpt > 0 Then
    					Set oReport_Rpt = oSession.oGetObject("SY_ReportEngine")
    					' Make sure your report has been converted to the correct level or else the report engine will not open it.
    					If oReport_Rpt.nOpenReport(sReportPath) = 1 Then
    						oReport_Rpt.nSetReportTitle sReportTitle
    						oReport_Rpt.nSetPreviewOptions sReportTitle
    						If oReport_Rpt.nDatabaseLogon() = 1 Then
    							oReport_Rpt.nSetSelectionFormula("Not(IsNull({SO_SalesOrderHeader.CustomerPONo}))") ' Use this to set your own selection formula in Crystal Syntax.
    							oReport_Rpt.nSetFormula "CompanyCode", """" & oSession.sCompanyCode & """" ' Use this to set the value of the formula name specified in the first argument. You must respect the syntax specified in the formula in the report.
    							sErrorMsg = "Unable to logon to database." _
    							& vbCrLf & "Error Number: " & oReport_Rpt.sLastErrorNum _
    							& vbCrLf & "Error Message: " & oReport_Rpt.sLastErrorMsg
    						End If
    						sErrorMsg = "Unable to open report." _
    						& vbCrLf & "Error Number: " & oReport_Rpt.sLastErrorNum _
    						& vbCrLf & "Error Message: " & oReport_Rpt.sLastErrorMsg
    					End If
    					Set oReport_Rpt = Nothing
    					oSession.nDropObject nReport_Rpt
    					sErrorMsg = "Unable to get handle to SY_ReportEngine." _
    					& vbCrLf & "Error Number: " & oSession.sLastErrorNum _
    					& vbCrLf & "Error Message: " & oSession.sLastErrorMsg
    				End If
    				sErrorMsg = "Unable to get security object." _
    				& vbCrLf & "Error Number: " & oSession.sLastErrorNum _
    				& vbCrLf & "Error Message: " & oSession.sLastErrorMsg
    			End If
    			sErrorMsg = "Unable to set company." _
    			& vbCrLf & "Error Number: " & oSession.sLastErrorNum _
    			& vbCrLf & "Error Message: " & oSession.sLastErrorMsg
    		End If
    		sErrorMsg = "Unable to set user." _
    		& vbCrLf & "Error Number: " & oSession.sLastErrorNum _
    		& vbCrLf & "Error Message: " & oSession.sLastErrorMsg
    	End If
    	Set oUI = Nothing
    	If IsObject(oSession.oUI) Then oSession.nTerminateUI
    	Set oSession = Nothing
    	sErrorMsg = """" & sReportPath & """ could not be found."
    End If

    In both, you can decide what you want to do with the sErrorMsg variable if it is not blank.


    On version 2017 and higher, you need to make sure to copy the MAS90\Home\pvxwin32.exe.config file to the location of pvxcom.exe and rename the copied pvxwin32.exe.config file to pvxcom.exe.config.

    pvxcom.exe should be in "Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Sage\Common Components" if on 64 bit windows and in "Program Files\Common Files\Sage\Common Components" if on 32 bit windows.


    Corrected a typo in the FolderExists method.


    Corrected extra END IF and another ELSE section.

  • 0 in reply to David Speck

    Hey David, I appreciate the reply but this does not work either. 

  • 0 in reply to Surya IT

    Are you getting an error message some where?

    The external code relies on the same 100 workstation having been installed.

    If you run it on a workstation where the sage 100 workstation has not been installed, then the script should fail on the line trying to create the ProvideX.Script object.

  • 0 in reply to Surya IT

    Are you getting an error message some where?

    The external code relies on the same 100 workstation having been installed.

    If you run it on a workstation where the sage 100 workstation has not been installed, then the script should fail on the line trying to create the ProvideX.Script object.

  • 0 in reply to David Speck

    I kept getting a syntax error, but I'm trying to trim down the code to ONLY open the report without any extram settings or connecting to the DB or anything, currently the button click (script) just does nothing. 

  • 0 in reply to Surya IT

    If you are getting a syntax error, then the site might be changing some characters somewhere or messing up where the line breaks occur.

    For both scripts, the target company code needs to be configured to allow external acess.

    For the button script, when setting it up, you need to configure it to execute on the server.

    Now that I think about it, I forgot to put an error message section in the event the oSession object is not set, which would happen if the button was set to execute on the client, causing the script to end silently.