Script to check SalesOrder Detail & Update Salesorder Header


I am using sage 2018 & am trying to create a script that works alongside scanforce. We received the oSalesOrder.nMBAutoAllocateSalesOrder() command from Scanforce to allocate orders with a VBS, but we're on our own in terms of creating the rest of the script. What I want to have happen is if an order has every line item allocated to the qty that was ordered, I want to update a UDF on the SalesorderHeader to indicate it is fully allocated. If there is any line item that is not fully allocated, I want the header to say "N".  The script is working for the most part, line items will allocate, the header will update. The only issue is the salesorder header is not updating correctly. It appears to be changing based upon the last line item of the order being fully allocated or note, rather than every line item.  I am not a VBS expert by any stretch so I imagine I overlooked something pretty basic.

I did not include the first half the script that sets up to the connection since I know it is working.

retVAL = oSS.nSetDate("S/O",oSS.sSystemDate)
retVAL = oSS.nSetModule("S/O") 
retVal = oSS.nSetProgram(oSS.nLookupTask("SO_SalesOrder_UI"))
Set oSalesOrder = oScript.NewObject("SO_SalesOrder_BUS", oSS)


Do until CBool(oSalesOrder.nEOF)

    sSOOrderNo = "" 
    sSOOrderType = ""   
    sSODItemCode = ""
    sSODItemType = ""   
    sSODDropShip = ""   
    sSOShipExpireDate = ""
    cSODQuantityOrdered = 0
    cSODAllocatedQuantity = 0
    sFullyAllocatedFlag = "Y"
    sFullyAllocated = ""
    sPickingStarted = ""

    retVal = oSalesOrder.nGetValue("SalesOrderNo$",sSOOrderNo)
    retVal = oSalesOrder.nGetValue("OrderType$",sSOOrderType)
    retVal = oSalesOrder.nGetValue("ShipExpireDate$",sSOShipExpireDate)
    retVal = oSalesOrder.nGetValue("UDF_FULLYALLOCATED$",sFullyAllocated)
    retVal = oSalesOrder.nGetValue("D519SF_PickingCompleted$",sPickingStarted)

    tomorrow = DateAdd("d", 1, Date)
    shipDate = sSOShipExpireDate

    YearPart = Left(sSOShipExpireDate, 4)
    MonthPart = Mid(sSOShipExpireDate, 5, 2)
    DayPart = Right(sSOShipExpireDate, 2)
    ConvertedShipDate = CDate(MonthPart & "/" & DayPart & "/" & YearPart)

    If sSOOrderType = "S" and sFullyAllocated = "N" and ConvertedShipDate < tomorrow Then
    Set oLines = oSalesOrder.oLines

    retVal = oLines.nMoveFirst()

    'If all line items quantity ordered = QuantityAllocated, then UDF_FULLYALLOCATED = 'Y'
    Do until CBool(oLines.nEOF)
        retVal = oLines.nGetValue("ItemCode$",sSODItemCode) 
        retVal = oLines.nGetValue("QuantityOrdered",cSODQuantityOrdered)    
        retVal = oLines.nGetValue("AllocatedQuantity",cSODAllocatedQuantity)    
        retVal = oLines.nGetValue("ItemType$",sSODItemType)     
        retVal = oLines.nGetValue("DropShip$",sSODDropShip) 

        If cSODAllocatedQuantity <> cSODQuantityOrdered Then
            retVal = oSalesOrder.nMBAutoAllocateSalesOrder()
            If sSODItemType <> "5" and sSODDropShip <> "Y" Then
            sFullyAllocatedFlag = "N"
            End If
        End If
    End If
    If sFullyAllocatedFlag = "Y" then
        retVal = oSalesOrder.nSetValue("UDF_FULLYALLOCATED$","Y")   
        retVal = oSalesOrder.nSetValue("UDF_FULLYALLOCATED$","N")   
    End If


Set oSS = Nothing
Set oScript = Nothing