AR_InvoiceHistoryPrinting with BOI


Anyone ever done this?  I have a list of non-consecutive historical invoices I need to export to a specified directory.  I was going to use the 'QuickPrint' property before calling ProcessReport() for each necessary invoice, but I've only ever performed this when dealing with SOs (where there is only one key field).  For Invoice History printing, would I set the 'QuickPrint' property to InvoiceNo + HeaderSeqNo?

  • 0

    Upon review, while there is an 'AR_InvoiceHistoryQuickPrint_ui' listed in the object reference (and contains a QuickPrint property), when I attempt to create the object using the below:


    I get 'Lookup program failed  The task id "0000000000" is not on file'.

    I attempted to go the other route and use the standard 'AR_InvoiceHistoryPrinting_ui'/'AR_InvoicHistoryPrinting_rpt', adapting the code from this post related to SO printing:

    However when attempting to call the SetKey method for the record selection, I'm receiving 'Report ID Required' (I have printed the 'INVOICE' form code from the Sage UI already):

    if not cbool(oSS.nSetProgram(oSS.nLookupTask("AR_InvoiceHistoryPrinting_UI"))) then
    	MSGBOX CSTR("Set Program: " + oSS.sLastErrorMsg)
    end if
    SET oPrint = oScript.NewObject("AR_InvoiceHistoryPrinting_rpt", oSS)
    		if not cbool(oPrint.nSelectReportSetting("INVOICE")) then
    			MSGBOX CSTR("Select report setting 'INVOICE': " + oPrint.sLastErrorMsg)
    		end if
    		if not cbool(oPrint.nSetKeyValue("ReportSetting$", "INVOICE")) then
    			MSGBOX CSTR("Select report setting 'INVOICE': " + oPrint.sLastErrorMsg)
    		end if
    		if not cbool(oPrint.nSetKeyValue("RowKey$", "1")) then
    			MSGBOX CSTR("Set Rowkey: " + oPrint.sLastErrorMsg)
    		end if
    		if not cbool(oPrint.nSetKeyValue("ModuleCode$", "A/R")) then
    			MSGBOX CSTR("Set module code: " + oPrint.sLastErrorMsg)
    		end if
    		if not cbool(oPrint.nSetKey()) then
    			MSGBOX CSTR("Setkey: " + oPrint.sLastErrorMsg)
    		end if

  • +1 in reply to Justin K
    verified answer

    You should be able to use the QuickPrint property of the AR_InvoiceHistoryPrinting_rpt class object however the value you need to set is vastly different compared to sales orders.

    Here's a two screenshots of the value returned, the first is for an AR invoice, the second is for an SO invoice.

    The underscores are actually the null character (ASCII # 0) but i replaced them with underscores so i could see the full string in the msgbox window. 

    It appears the value is comprised of the following.

    1. invoice's originating module (i'm unsure if this is only used to determine form code selection, i.e. A/R vs S/O or if is actually used when selecting the invoice number by comparing ModuleCode of the record in history, if the former, you could always use the AR_InvoiceHistoryInquiry_svc to locate the record you are after and return the key padded using the kCustomer index and GetKeyPadded, then just specify the module of the form code you want to use followed by the padded key).
    2. customer AR division number.
    3. customer number padded on the right with the null character to max length of field.
    4. invoice number padded on the right with the null character to max length of field (padding is only required if the invoice number's length is less than the max length, not typically required if using the next available number).
    5. invoice header sequence number.

    If you don't know the header sequence number, you could use the AR_InvoiceHistoryInquiry_svc class to get get all the info you need or just use the AR_InvoiceHistoryPrinting_rpt class' record selection methods to select by invoice number.

    Regardless of whether you do or do not use the quick print method, you also need to make sure you call the SetModuleToPrint method and pass it either "S/O" or "A/R" depending on the invoice form you want to use, it is what this dropbox does in the UI.

    As for creating record selections with a report object, the following should help.  You can use a comma separated list of invoices when setting the value for the invoice number with the operand being "Equal to" so you only have to process the report once, however, i believe doing so would export them all to a single file so you may be better off either using the QuickPrint property or just specify one invoice at a time.  The following script example is from an external script so the methods are prefixed with the returned data type, remove these if using on a button script (internal script).

    ' Set the selection criteria.
    ' If I'm not mistaken, KeyReference should be set for multi-part keys and should be something like this, "<APDivisionNo$+VendorNo$>". The arrows must be included and wrap the fields that make up the multi-part key.
    ' Tag must include the table name and column name like this, "Table=CI_Item;Column=ItemCode$;".
    ' Increment nRowKey for each row used in the selection.
    nRowKey = 0 
    Row 1
    	nRowKey = nRowKey + 1
    	oReport_Rpt.nSetKeyValue "ModuleCode$", oSession.sModuleCode 
    	oReport_Rpt.nSetKeyValue "CompanyKey$", oSession.sCompanyKey 
    	oReport_Rpt.nSetKeyValue "ReportID$", oReport_Rpt.sReportID 
    	oReport_Rpt.nSetKeyValue "ReportSetting$", UCase(sReportSetting)
    	oReport_Rpt.nSetKeyValue "RowKey$", Right("00000" & CStr(nRowKey), 5) 
    	oReport_Rpt.nSetValue "SelectField$", "Item Code" 
    	oReport_Rpt.nSetValue "SelectFieldValue$", "Item Code" 
    	oReport_Rpt.nSetValue "KeyReference$", ""
    	oReport_Rpt.nSetValue "Tag$", "Table=CI_Item;Column=ItemCode$;"
    	oReport_Rpt.nSetValue "Operand$", "=" 
    	oReport_Rpt.nSetValue "Value1$", "2551-3-50" 
    	oReport_Rpt.nSetValue "Value2$", "" 
    Row 2
    	nRowKey = nRowKey + 1
    	oReport_Rpt.nSetKeyValue "ModuleCode$", oSession.sModuleCode 
    	oReport_Rpt.nSetKeyValue "CompanyKey$", oSession.sCompanyKey 
    	oReport_Rpt.nSetKeyValue "ReportID$", oReport_Rpt.sReportID 
    	oReport_Rpt.nSetKeyValue "ReportSetting$", UCase(sReportSetting)
    	oReport_Rpt.nSetKeyValue "RowKey$", Right("00000" & CStr(nRowKey), 5) 
    	oReport_Rpt.nSetValue "SelectField$", "Product Line" 
    	oReport_Rpt.nSetValue "SelectFieldValue$", "Product Line" 
    	oReport_Rpt.nSetValue "KeyReference$", "" 
    	oReport_Rpt.nSetValue "Tag$", "Table=CI_Item;Column=ProductLine$;"
    	oReport_Rpt.nSetValue "Operand$", "=" 
    	oReport_Rpt.nSetValue "Value1$", "FD&A" 
    	oReport_Rpt.nSetValue "Value2$", "" 

    Finally, watch out for report options, like the stuff that appears above the selection grid.  If you need to override these, adapt the following.  The following script example is from an external script so the methods are prefixed with the returned data type, remove these if using on a button script (internal script).

    ' Get the current report options.
    	sReportOptions = "" : oReport_Rpt.nGetOptions sReportOptions
    ' Replace the report option specified in the second argument with the value specified in the third argument.
    	oReport_Rpt.nReplaceDefault sReportOptions, "CB_UNPAIDINVSONLY$", "Y"
    	oReport_Rpt.nReplaceDefault sReportOptions, "DB_PRINTCOMMENT$", "F"
    	oReport_Rpt.nReplaceDefault sReportOptions, "DB_PAPERLESSOFFICEOUTPUT$", "1"
    	oReport_Rpt.nReplaceDefault sReportOptions, "ML_INVMSG1$", ""
    	oReport_Rpt.nReplaceDefault sReportOptions, "ML_HISTMSG1$", ""
    	oReport_Rpt.nReplaceDefault sReportOptions, "ML_INVMSG2$", ""
    	oReport_Rpt.nReplaceDefault sReportOptions, "ML_HISTMSG2$", ""
    ' Set the modified report options.
    	oReport_Rpt.nSetOptions sReportOptions

  • +1 in reply to Justin K
    verified answer

    You should be able to use the QuickPrint property of the AR_InvoiceHistoryPrinting_rpt class object however the value you need to set is vastly different compared to sales orders.

    Here's a two screenshots of the value returned, the first is for an AR invoice, the second is for an SO invoice.

    The underscores are actually the null character (ASCII # 0) but i replaced them with underscores so i could see the full string in the msgbox window. 

    It appears the value is comprised of the following.

    1. invoice's originating module (i'm unsure if this is only used to determine form code selection, i.e. A/R vs S/O or if is actually used when selecting the invoice number by comparing ModuleCode of the record in history, if the former, you could always use the AR_InvoiceHistoryInquiry_svc to locate the record you are after and return the key padded using the kCustomer index and GetKeyPadded, then just specify the module of the form code you want to use followed by the padded key).
    2. customer AR division number.
    3. customer number padded on the right with the null character to max length of field.
    4. invoice number padded on the right with the null character to max length of field (padding is only required if the invoice number's length is less than the max length, not typically required if using the next available number).
    5. invoice header sequence number.

    If you don't know the header sequence number, you could use the AR_InvoiceHistoryInquiry_svc class to get get all the info you need or just use the AR_InvoiceHistoryPrinting_rpt class' record selection methods to select by invoice number.

    Regardless of whether you do or do not use the quick print method, you also need to make sure you call the SetModuleToPrint method and pass it either "S/O" or "A/R" depending on the invoice form you want to use, it is what this dropbox does in the UI.

    As for creating record selections with a report object, the following should help.  You can use a comma separated list of invoices when setting the value for the invoice number with the operand being "Equal to" so you only have to process the report once, however, i believe doing so would export them all to a single file so you may be better off either using the QuickPrint property or just specify one invoice at a time.  The following script example is from an external script so the methods are prefixed with the returned data type, remove these if using on a button script (internal script).

    ' Set the selection criteria.
    ' If I'm not mistaken, KeyReference should be set for multi-part keys and should be something like this, "<APDivisionNo$+VendorNo$>". The arrows must be included and wrap the fields that make up the multi-part key.
    ' Tag must include the table name and column name like this, "Table=CI_Item;Column=ItemCode$;".
    ' Increment nRowKey for each row used in the selection.
    nRowKey = 0 
    Row 1
    	nRowKey = nRowKey + 1
    	oReport_Rpt.nSetKeyValue "ModuleCode$", oSession.sModuleCode 
    	oReport_Rpt.nSetKeyValue "CompanyKey$", oSession.sCompanyKey 
    	oReport_Rpt.nSetKeyValue "ReportID$", oReport_Rpt.sReportID 
    	oReport_Rpt.nSetKeyValue "ReportSetting$", UCase(sReportSetting)
    	oReport_Rpt.nSetKeyValue "RowKey$", Right("00000" & CStr(nRowKey), 5) 
    	oReport_Rpt.nSetValue "SelectField$", "Item Code" 
    	oReport_Rpt.nSetValue "SelectFieldValue$", "Item Code" 
    	oReport_Rpt.nSetValue "KeyReference$", ""
    	oReport_Rpt.nSetValue "Tag$", "Table=CI_Item;Column=ItemCode$;"
    	oReport_Rpt.nSetValue "Operand$", "=" 
    	oReport_Rpt.nSetValue "Value1$", "2551-3-50" 
    	oReport_Rpt.nSetValue "Value2$", "" 
    Row 2
    	nRowKey = nRowKey + 1
    	oReport_Rpt.nSetKeyValue "ModuleCode$", oSession.sModuleCode 
    	oReport_Rpt.nSetKeyValue "CompanyKey$", oSession.sCompanyKey 
    	oReport_Rpt.nSetKeyValue "ReportID$", oReport_Rpt.sReportID 
    	oReport_Rpt.nSetKeyValue "ReportSetting$", UCase(sReportSetting)
    	oReport_Rpt.nSetKeyValue "RowKey$", Right("00000" & CStr(nRowKey), 5) 
    	oReport_Rpt.nSetValue "SelectField$", "Product Line" 
    	oReport_Rpt.nSetValue "SelectFieldValue$", "Product Line" 
    	oReport_Rpt.nSetValue "KeyReference$", "" 
    	oReport_Rpt.nSetValue "Tag$", "Table=CI_Item;Column=ProductLine$;"
    	oReport_Rpt.nSetValue "Operand$", "=" 
    	oReport_Rpt.nSetValue "Value1$", "FD&A" 
    	oReport_Rpt.nSetValue "Value2$", "" 

    Finally, watch out for report options, like the stuff that appears above the selection grid.  If you need to override these, adapt the following.  The following script example is from an external script so the methods are prefixed with the returned data type, remove these if using on a button script (internal script).

    ' Get the current report options.
    	sReportOptions = "" : oReport_Rpt.nGetOptions sReportOptions
    ' Replace the report option specified in the second argument with the value specified in the third argument.
    	oReport_Rpt.nReplaceDefault sReportOptions, "CB_UNPAIDINVSONLY$", "Y"
    	oReport_Rpt.nReplaceDefault sReportOptions, "DB_PRINTCOMMENT$", "F"
    	oReport_Rpt.nReplaceDefault sReportOptions, "DB_PAPERLESSOFFICEOUTPUT$", "1"
    	oReport_Rpt.nReplaceDefault sReportOptions, "ML_INVMSG1$", ""
    	oReport_Rpt.nReplaceDefault sReportOptions, "ML_HISTMSG1$", ""
    	oReport_Rpt.nReplaceDefault sReportOptions, "ML_INVMSG2$", ""
    	oReport_Rpt.nReplaceDefault sReportOptions, "ML_HISTMSG2$", ""
    ' Set the modified report options.
    	oReport_Rpt.nSetOptions sReportOptions
