UDT eof error

I'm getting an error stating "Error 20 Syntax Error.  Program: SY_Commonui.pvc" when I loop through a UDT using a button script.  Perhaps I have a typo or other mistake here.  It appears to be crashing on the eof check (highlighted in green).  Any ideas where I've goofed?


oUDT = oSession.GetObject("CM_UDTMaint_bus", "SO_UDT_Phantom_Kits")

if oUDT = 0 then 'run if user has permission to access UDT (oUDT would be zero if insufficient permissions)

else 'continue if user has permissions

Set oUDT = oScript.AsObject(oUDT)

retVal = oUDT.SetBrowseFilter(sPhantom) 

retval = oUDT.MoveFirst() 'start looping through ALL UDT records to search for this phantom item

Do While Not(CBool(oUDT.EOF)) 'appears to error here

retval = oUDT.GetValue("UDF_Phantom_Kit$", sPhantomCheck)
if retval = 0 then
retval = oSession.AsObject(oSession.UI).MessageBox("Error reading UDF_Phantom_Kit from SO_UDT_Phantom_Kits" & vbcrlf & oUDT.LastErrorMsg)
end if

'retVal = oSession.AsObject(oSession.UI).MessageBox("Phantom Kit: " & sPhantom & vbcrlf & "Phantom Check: " & sPhantomCheck)

retval = oUDT.MoveNext()

oScript.LinesAdded = -1


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  • in reply to Kevin M

    Thanks, Kevin.  I just tried that variation, see below, per your suggestion.  I also removed the SetBrowseFilter, in case.  I'm getting the same error: Error 20 Syntax Error.  Program: SY_Commonui.pvc.  Any other thoughts?

    Revised Code Below


    oUDT = oSession.GetObject("CM_UDTMaint_bus", "SO_UDT_Phantom_Kits")

    if oUDT = 0 then 'run if user has permission to access UDT (oUDT would be zero if insufficient permissions)
    retVal = oScript.SetError("Unable to read SO_UDT_Phantom_Kits table. The user may not have permissions to this table and other UDTs. This entry will not be saved.")

    else 'continue if user has permissions

    Set oUDT = oSession.AsObject(oUDT)

    'retVal = oUDT.SetBrowseFilter(sPhantom)

    retval = oUDT.MoveFirst() 'start looping through ALL UDT records to search for this phantom item

    do until oUDT.EoF

    retval = oUDT.GetValue("UDF_Phantom_Kit$", sPhantomCheck)
    if retval = 0 then
    retval = oSession.AsObject(oSession.UI).MessageBox("Error reading UDF_Phantom_Kit from SO_UDT_Phantom_Kits" & vbcrlf & oUDT.LastErrorMsg)
    end if

    'retVal = oSession.AsObject(oSession.UI).MessageBox("Phantom Kit: " & sPhantom & vbcrlf & "Phantom Check: " & sPhantomCheck)

    retval = oUDT.MoveNext()


    'retVal = oLines.EditLine(sLineKey)

    '**************search UDT for component items to add to this order ************************************************

    end if 'run if user has permission to access UDT

  • in reply to n0tgunshy2

    You checked your button script is running from the Server, not Workstation?

    This is critical.

  • in reply to Kevin M

    Oh, and SetError means nothing in a button script.  That only works in Pre-... events for BOI triggers.  Change that to message box.

    retVal = oSession.AsObject(oSession.UI).MessageBox(sMsg)

  • in reply to Kevin M

    Thanks, Kevin.  It is running on the Server.  And I'm not using a seterror.  Got any other ideas?

  • in reply to Kevin M

    Ooops.  I had that commented that out on my side, not sure how I uncommented it when I posted here. 

    I'm still getting the error and it's happening here: Do until oUDT.EOF

    Any other ideas? And thanks!

  • in reply to n0tgunshy2

    Are you sure the error is not actually the next line?  VBScript may be forgiving for variable types, but Sage commands need strings differentiated from numbers.  Always initialize.

    sPhantomCheck = ""

  • in reply to n0tgunshy2

    Strange.  It's working on a 2020 system.  I'm on 2019.  Perhaps I have something else wrong further up on my code and 2019 is not being forgiving.  

    Thanks for bouncing ideas, though.  I'm going to do some more digging.

  • in reply to Kevin M

    Will def check that.  You have a valid point.  TYVM.