Search Address Fields Script

Trying to search the 3 address line fields for a key word to populate the ShipToCode and the ShipVia field.  Can I do this in one script or do I have to create a script for each search field?  This is what I got so far.

rVal = 0

sAddress = ""

sAddressa = ""

sAddressb = ""

searchString = "Terminal"

rVal = oBusObj.GetValue("ShipToAddress1$", sAddress)

rVal = oBusObj.GetValue("ShipToAddress2$", sAddressa)

rVal = oBusObj.GetValue("ShipToAddress3$", sAddressb)

If InStr(UCase(sAddress), UCase(searchString)) > 0 Or

	If InStr(UCase(sAddressa), UCase(searchString)) > 0 Or

		If InStr(UCase(sAddressb), UCase(searchString)) > 0 then

			rVal = oBusObj.SetValue(ShipToCode$, "GM")

			rVal = oBusObj.SetValue(ShipVia$, "SHIPHOLD")

		End If

	End If

End If

  • This script is giving me the same trouble I am having with some other Header scripts.  The script fires off and works if I am manually editing the fields the script is triggered off of, however these scripts are for orders that are being imported in through Insynch.  Is there something I can add to the scripts to get them to fire off?  I have it on a column-post-validate and also tried a table-pre-totals.

    rVal = 0
    nCustomerNo= ""
    sAddress = ""
    searchString = "Terminal"
    rVal = oBusObj.GetValue("CustomerNo$", nCustomerNo)
    rVal = oBusObj.GetValue("ShipToAddress1$", sAddress)
    If nCustomerNo = "0002000" then
    	If InStr(UCase(sAddress), UCase(searchString)) > 0 then
    		rVal = oBusObj.SetValue("ShipToCode$", "GM")
    		rVal = oBusObj.SetValue("ShipVia$", "SHIPHOLD")
    	End If		
    End If

  • in reply to jland47

    Have you tried to put them in the pre-write event?   Do you know if the scripts are even executing?  I am not familiar with InSynch's logic.  If they are using BOI, do you know if they turn off any scripting methods?  

    First thing I would do is see if the scripts are executing at all.  Then if the scripts are executing, you could try the pre-write event.

  • in reply to jepritch

    ROI changed the logic of the import to write the UDF's before the line details, as of now it looks like it solved my issue.

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