Add 7 or 14 to a date to populate a UDF


Hi Forum,

I am trying to populate a date in UDF based on a date in UDT plust 7 or 14 days depending on the Whse code.

i've tried what i know and what i got from the forum and i am still getting an error on the following message.

here is the script code:

BOLNum = "" : ETA = "" : strEvent = "" : strTracking = "" : strETA1 = "" : sWhse = "" : newDate = ""

Dim strETADate
Dim strETA

sCompany = oSession.CompanyCode

if sCompany = "TK4" then

Set oBOL = oSession.AsObject(oSession.GetObject("CM_UDTMaint_bus", "PO_UDT_BOL_TRACKING"))

retVal = oBusObj.getValue("UDF_MASTERS_BLPO$", BOLNum)
retVal = oBusObj.getValue("WarehouseCode$", sWhse)

retVal = oBOL.SetKey(BOLNum)

if retVal > 0 then
retVal = oBOL.GetValue("UDF_ETA$", strETA)
'sretval = oSession.AsObject(oSession.UI).MessageBox("", "ETA Date: " & strETA)

if sWhse = "BRI" then
retVal = oSession.FormatDate(strETA, newDate, "%Mz%Dz%Y")
newDate = DateAdd("D", 7, newDate)
newDate = oSession.GetFormattedDate(CStr(newDate))

if sWhse = "PAC" then
retVal = oSession.FormatDate(strETA, newDate, "%Mz%Dz%Y")
newDate = DateAdd("D", 14, newDate)
newDate = oSession.GetFormattedDate(CStr(newDate))
end if
end if

'Populate PO Line ETA
retVal = oBusObj.SetValue("UDF_ETA_DATE$", newDate)
End if
End if

Any suggestions?


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