Script Troubleshooting

I have multiple scripts on the SO details, 3 on the quantity ordered column as a post val and 9 on table-pre-writes.  I am finding some SO's in the system that seem to not have the scripts firing, when I go to that SO and enter another line with all the same information the scripts fire like they should.  Trying to figure a way to debug the issue after the fact, is that possible?  Trying to avoid sitting behind every user to see how they are entering lines.  Would having the "priority" the same value on multiple scripts on the column post val for the quantity ordered cause this?

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    If any of the scripts have an "exit sub" command, using the same priority can end up skipping subsequent script logic, in what you consider different scripts.  When compiled, Sage will merge multiple scripts, based on event and priority, into a VBScript subroutine.  Always use a unique priority for scripts triggered by the same event. 

    Look at the .vbs files in MAS90\CM\Script to understand why... (but never edit the compiled script files directly).

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    If any of the scripts have an "exit sub" command, using the same priority can end up skipping subsequent script logic, in what you consider different scripts.  When compiled, Sage will merge multiple scripts, based on event and priority, into a VBScript subroutine.  Always use a unique priority for scripts triggered by the same event. 

    Look at the .vbs files in MAS90\CM\Script to understand why... (but never edit the compiled script files directly).
