nFind returns 0 for AP Invoice lookup in AP_OpenInvoice

I hope this is something easy that I'm overlooking.  I'm looking up an invoice in the AP_OpenInvoice table that I know exists.  I have confirmed that I'm passing the correct vendor division, number, and invoice number.  But I'm getting a 0 return value. I'm also checking for errors after each SetKeyValue, but no errors are returned.

Am I completely off here?  

retVal = oAPOpenInvoice.nSetKeyValue("APDivisionNo$",strAPDivisionNo)
     ErrorLog retVal, "Error Setting Division No while looking up invoice.", oAPOpenInvoice.sLastErrorMsg, strInvoiceDate, strAPInvoiceNo, strVendorNo, strFileName
retVal = oAPOpenInvoice.nSetKeyValue("VendorNo$",strVendorNo)
     ErrorLog retVal, "Error Setting Vendor No while looking up invoice.", oAPOpenInvoice.sLastErrorMsg, strInvoiceDate, strAPInvoiceNo, strVendorNo, strFileName
retVal = oAPOpenInvoice.nSetKeyValue("InvoiceNo$",strInvoiceNo)
     ErrorLog retVal, "Error Setting Invoice No to " & strInvoiceNo & " while looking up invoice.", oAPOpenInvoice.sLastErrorMsg, strInvoiceDate, strAPInvoiceNo, strVendorNo, strFileName

retInvLookup = oAPOpenInvoice.nFind()

wscript.echo "retInvLookup: " & retInvLookup 'returns 0, though I've confirmed the invoice exists for this vendor

retVal = oAPOpenInvoice.nSetKeyValue("APDivisionNo$",strAPDivisionNo)
     ErrorLog retVal, "Error Setting Division No while looking up invoice.", oAPOpenInvoice.sLastErrorMsg, strInvoiceDate, strAPInvoiceNo, strVendorNo, strFileName
retVal = oAPOpenInvoice.nSetKeyValue("VendorNo$",strVendorNo)
     ErrorLog retVal, "Error Setting Vendor No while looking up invoice.", oAPOpenInvoice.sLastErrorMsg, strInvoiceDate, strAPInvoiceNo, strVendorNo, strFileName
retVal = oAPOpenInvoice.nSetKeyValue("InvoiceNo$",strInvoiceNo)
     ErrorLog retVal, "Error Setting Invoice No to " & strInvoiceNo & " while looking up invoice.", oAPOpenInvoice.sLastErrorMsg, strInvoiceDate, strAPInvoiceNo, strVendorNo, strFileName

retInvLookup = oAPOpenInvoice.nFind()

wscript.echo "retInvLookup: " & retInvLookup 'returns 0, though I've confirmed the invoice exists for this vendor
