"The Module Code is Required" IM_PhysicalCountWrkst_rpt nSetKey()


I'm trying to script against IM_PhysicalCountWrkst_rpt but keep getting "The Module Code is Required" when calling nSetKey(). Script sample is below. We are running Anyone have any suggestions on what to try?

Const HKEY_CURRENT_USER = &H80000001
Set oReg = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\default:StdRegProv")
oReg.GetExpandedStringValue HKEY_CURRENT_USER,"Software\Sage Software\MAS 90 Business Desktop\Settings","MAS90RootDirectory",PathRoot
PathHome = PathRoot & "\Home"
Set oReg = Nothing

Set oScript = CreateObject ("ProvideX.Script")
Set oSS = oScript.NewObject("SY_Session")

retVAL = oSS.nLogon()
If retVAL = 0 Then
 ShowError "Logon", oSS.sLastErrorMsg
End If

retVAL = oSS.nSetCompany("TST", 1)
If retVAL = 0 Then
 ShowError "SetCompany", oSS.sLastErrorMsg
End If

retVAL = oSS.nSetDate("I/M","20150128")
If retVAL = 0 Then
 ShowError "SetDate", oSS.sLastErrorMsg
End If

retVAL = oSS.nSetModule("I/M")
If retVAL = 0 Then
 ShowError "SetModule", oSS.sLastErrorMsg
End If

retVAL = oSS.nSetProgram(oSS.nLookupTask("IM_PhysicalCountWrkst_ui"))
If retVAL = 0 Then
 ShowError "SetProgram", oSS.sLastErrorMsg
End If

Set oPhysCount = oScript.NewObject("IM_PhysicalCountWrkst_rpt", oSS)

retVAL = oPhysCount.nSelectReportSetting("STANDARD")
If retVAL = 0 Then
 ShowError "SelectReportSetting", oPhysCount.sLastErrorMsg
End If

retVAL = oPhysCount.nSetKeyValue("ReportSetting$", "STANDARD")
If retVAL = 0 Then
 ShowError "SetKeyValue, ReportSetting$", oPhysCount.sLastErrorMsg
End If

retVAL = oPhysCount.nSetKeyValue("RowKey$", "1")
If retVAL = 0 Then
 ShowError "SetKeyValue, RowKey$", oPhysCount.sLastErrorMsg
End If

strOp = ""
retVAL = oPhysCount.nGetOptions(strOp)
If retVAL = 0 Then
 ShowError "GetOptions", oPhysCount.sLastErrorMsg
End If

retVAL = oPhysCount.nSetKey()  ' <-- Error here: "The Module Code is Required."
If retVAL = 0 Then
 ShowError "SetKey", oPhysCount.sLastErrorMsg
End If



Sub Cleanup
 If IsObject(oPhysCount) Then
 End If

 Set oPhysCount = Nothing
 Set oSS = Nothing
 Set oScript = Nothing
End Sub

Sub ShowError(sOperation, sMessage)
 MsgBox "Error (" + sOperation + "): " + sMessage
End Sub


  • 0
    verified answer


    To show the pertinent error for the SetKey() you should be using the oPhysCount object and not the session object.

    ShowError "SetKey", oPhysCount.sLastErrorMsg

    This will hopefully, give you a better idea as to the real error.

    After reviewing this, you should set the ModuleCode and the ReportID$ as well.  So add before you do the SetKey() the following:

    retVAL = oPhysCount.nSetKeyValue("ModuleCode$", "I/M")

    If retVAL = 0 Then

       ShowError "SetKeyValue, ModuleCode$", oPhysCount.sLastErrorMsg

    End If

    retVal = oPhysicalCount.nSetKeyValue("ReportID$", "IM_PhysicalCountWrkst_ui")

    If retVAL = 0 Then

       ShowError "SetKeyValue, ReportID$", oPhysCount.sLastErrorMsg

    End If

    Hope this helps


  • 0 in reply to jepritch

    Good catch. Haven't done anything with scripts in a while. The error is "The Module Code is Required"

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