Scripting with User-Defined Tables (UDTs)

On another thread I was asked how to use User-Defined Tale (UDT) within User-defined Scripting.  So, I thought I'd share a quick example.  Firstly, there is very little difference in dealing with a UDT vs one of Sage's other business type objects.  The main difference is in how you instantiate the object itself.  

In my example, I have created a quick and dirty Audit table for anyone who has changed any sales order.  In this table I have an AuditKey (which consists of Order + Date + Time), OrderNo, ChangeDate, ChangeTime, and ChangeUser.   For those of you familiar with scripting this should look like many other scripts you have written with the exception of the oSession.GetObject() call.

When dealing with UDT's there are two objects you can use:

  • CM_UDTMaint_bus - which is a business object, used to maintain your table
  • CM_UDTMaint_svc - which is a read-only service object, to be used mainly when you are strictly reading the table.  For field validation for example.

When instantiating these objects using oSession.GetObject() there are 2 parameters you need to pass.  One is the name of the object (CM_UDTMaint_bus) and the other is the name of the user-defined table.  In my example (SO_UDT_OrderAudit).   After instantiating the object, you would use it like you would use any other Sage object, with SetKey(), SetValue(), Write(), Delete(), GetValue(), EditState, etc.

The following script I have linked to the pre-write event of the Sales Order Header table and will track when anyone makes any changes to a sales order.  Not sure how practical my example is but hopefully you get the idea.  


retVal = 0
oAudit = 0

Set oAudit = oSession.AsObject(oSession.GetObject("CM_UDTMaint_bus", "SO_UDT_ORDERAUDIT"))

order = ""
retVal = oBusObj.GetValue("SalesOrderNo$", order)

user = ""
user = oSession.UserName

dateStamp = ""
timeStamp = ""
userKey = ""
retVal = oSession.GetStampInfo(userKey, dateStamp, timeStamp)

retVal = oAudit.SetKey(order+dateStamp+timeStamp)
If retVal > 0 Then
   retVal = oAudit.SetValue("UDF_ChangeDate$", dateStamp)
   retVal = oAudit.SetValue("UDF_ChangeTime$", timeStamp)
   retVal = oAudit.SetValue("UDF_ChangeUser$", user)
   retVal = oAudit.SetValue("UDF_OrderNo$", order)
   retVal = oAudit.Write()
   If retVal=0 Then
      ' error on the write to audit table
   End If
End If

This results in this type of info in the audit table when you view it from UDT Maintenance

Hope this helps,


  • 0


    I am trying to recreate this for my own purposes, and every time I make a change in my table I do see a new record is added, but it's only giving me a date/time stamp, no other fields are being populated. Any advice?

    retVal = 0
    oAudit = 0

    Set oAudit = oSession.AsObject(oSession.GetObject("CM_UDTMaint_bus", "AR_UDT_CUSTSHIPTOTAXEXEMPT_AUD"))

    Customer = ""
    retVal = oBusObj.GetValue("CustomerNo$", Customer)

    ShipTo = ""
    retVal = oBusObj.GetValue("ShipToCode$", ShipTo)

    user = ""
    user = oSession.UserName

    dateStamp = ""
    timeStamp = ""
    userKey = ""
    retVal = oSession.GetStampInfo(userKey, dateStamp, timeStamp)

    retVal = oAudit.SetKey(Customer+dateStamp+timeStamp)
    If retVal > 0 Then
    retVal = oAudit.SetValue("UDF_CHANGEDATE$", dateStamp)
    retVal = oAudit.SetValue("UDF_CHANGETIME$", timeStamp)
    retVal = oAudit.SetValue("UDF_USERKEY$", user)
    retVal = oAudit.SetValue("UDF_CUSTOMERNO$", Customer)
    retVal = oAudit.SetValue("UDF_UDF_SHIPTOCODE$", ShipTo)
    retVal = oAudit.Write()
    If retVal=0 Then
     ' error on the write to audit table
    End If
    End If

    Thank you!!

  • 0


    I am trying to recreate this for my own purposes, and every time I make a change in my table I do see a new record is added, but it's only giving me a date/time stamp, no other fields are being populated. Any advice?

    retVal = 0
    oAudit = 0

    Set oAudit = oSession.AsObject(oSession.GetObject("CM_UDTMaint_bus", "AR_UDT_CUSTSHIPTOTAXEXEMPT_AUD"))

    Customer = ""
    retVal = oBusObj.GetValue("CustomerNo$", Customer)

    ShipTo = ""
    retVal = oBusObj.GetValue("ShipToCode$", ShipTo)

    user = ""
    user = oSession.UserName

    dateStamp = ""
    timeStamp = ""
    userKey = ""
    retVal = oSession.GetStampInfo(userKey, dateStamp, timeStamp)

    retVal = oAudit.SetKey(Customer+dateStamp+timeStamp)
    If retVal > 0 Then
    retVal = oAudit.SetValue("UDF_CHANGEDATE$", dateStamp)
    retVal = oAudit.SetValue("UDF_CHANGETIME$", timeStamp)
    retVal = oAudit.SetValue("UDF_USERKEY$", user)
    retVal = oAudit.SetValue("UDF_CUSTOMERNO$", Customer)
    retVal = oAudit.SetValue("UDF_UDF_SHIPTOCODE$", ShipTo)
    retVal = oAudit.Write()
    If retVal=0 Then
     ' error on the write to audit table
    End If
    End If

    Thank you!!

  • 0 in reply to Sarah Holbrook

    Is your key field in the UDT long enough to hold the number of characters in your SetKey value?  Did you verify the retVal is good?  (What's oAudit.LastErrorMsg after the SetKey)?

    I'd create the key string in advance, using specific commands for formatting the date / time as text (eg. YYYY-MM-DD_hh-mm-ss), and confirm that formula works before the SetKey (instead of just hoping the GetStampInfo return values are acceptable).

  • 0 in reply to Kevin M

    That is a great question! I set it to hold 50 characters to ensure that it would be more than long enough. I am actually new to all of this and don't know how to check retVal. Where can I see this value?

    This is the current output when a value is changed in the panel. It doesn't even show any of the other columns!

    Thank you so much for your response!

  • 0 in reply to Sarah Holbrook

    Kevin, I just saw your comment on another post about needing to exit the panel for changes to take place! That did the trick.. THANK YOU SO MUCH!