• get control property list box focus

    Hi, No return value for list box focus event property. How is this property trigger, by clicking on the list box control? Any information would be helpful. Regards -SKG
  • Sales Order To PO Address and lines button script

    Hello everyone, I'm stuck on a problem. I wrote a script to run from a button on the address tab of Purchase Order Entry. I made a field to collect a Sales Order number that the user types in the clicks the button to generate the ship to address from…
  • Update UDT whenever Sales Orders are printed

    Greetings all, I was wondering if there is a way of updating a UDT whenever a Sales Order is printing via script. I have a customer that would like to keep track of the time between when the SO is printed and when the order is shipped. I figured I…
  • How to find different record, change field value, and write the changed record back to the file

    I have a UDF checkbox on the GL_Account maintenance called UDF_DONATION. What I want to do in the Table Pre-Write is to check to see if there is another GL Account record where this UDF_DONATION is already set to "Y". If there is another record with the…
  • Access the Lines on Transaction Tab in Item Maintenance

    Experts, I got a tricky one here. I have a UDF in IM_ItemTransactionHistory that contains a file path. Now I would like to be able to place a button in Item Maintenance on the Transactions tab that allows me to open the file. The code to open the…
  • Copy invoice from AR_InvoiceHistory to flat file

    I have most of this script working but am hung up on the part reading from the line detail object. I have created a button on the AR Invoice History Inquiry panel so that the end user can find the invoice they want to copy, press the button, and the flat…
  • Launch Sales Order Entry to create new order from Customer Maintenance and pass Customer Number

    Hi Sage City and Happy Friday! I have been working on a button script to launch Sales Order Entry from AR Customer Maintenance. The goal is to click on the button and open SO Entry, automatically select the next Order Number and pass the Customer Number…
  • Forcing Cancellation Code when deleting Sales Orders into history through BOI

    Good morning all, So I figured this would have been a relatively easy script but I can't seem to find a way of accomplishing what I need. I have a customer that would like to force a cancellation reason whenever you delete a Sales Order into history…
  • Is it possible to create records in AR_CustomerDocuments and AR_CustomerDocumentContacts via BOI?

    Hi forum folks and Happy Friday! I have a customer that would like to CC a specific inbox any time we send SO Invoices and orders via Paperless Office. We have been doing this by adding this CC email to the "To Additional Email Addresses" Field under…
  • <NewObject Error: 200> Source=ProvideX.Script.1 in set oUDT = oScript.NewObject("CM_UDTMAINT_bus" ...

    I'm getting the error m essage=<NewObject Error: 200> Source=ProvideX.Script.1 when accessing a UDT. I just installed the client on this workstation for the first time, though I suppose I can try reinstalling. I'm hoping I just have a small syntax error…
  • Manual Check on the fly Invoice Event

    I am unable to get a script to fire to modify the AP_InvoiceHeader when adding an invoice on the fly in Manual Check Entry. Goal is to copy AP_Vendor.Comment to AP_ManualCheckHeader.Comment to AP_InvoiceHeader.Comment. Have a similar feature in AP…
  • New Object Error 200

    I'm receiving the error: Message=<NewObject Error: 200> Source=ProvideX.Script.1 on a new Windows 2016 server (remote desktop server). This script was running on an older server and is still running on workstations running Windows 7. The line referenced…
  • Transaction Panel Sort Order

    The default sort sequence on the Inventory Transaction tab is ascending Transaction Date. Can the default be changed to descending? Or, if that's not possible, can it be done with a user-defined script on the Panel post-load event and what would the code…
  • Scripting in cash receipts

    Hi all, I have done some scripting before where I write in lines to things like Sales order and Purchase order but have not ever tried cash receipts and it looks like it is a bit different based on what I am seeing! I am hoping someone here might have…
  • Can you trigger a script to open Customer Inquiry when clicking on Totals tab in SO Invoice Data Entry?

    I am not well versed in scripting, but I know it can do a lot of wonderful things. I'm hoping this will be possible. I have a customer that creates credit memos but they do not always apply them. They would like a way to checking their customer's invoices…
  • Script to Return lowest price

    Does anyone have a script for over-riding the price on a sales order with the lowest price ? Some of our customers get product line discounts that result in a lower price than the current promo price. It might be like that for every SKU in the product…
  • How to Reference Inherited Objects/Properties in Panel Script

    I'm trying to add an MS Script button to the SO Invoice Data Entry panel. In the script I need to access the LOCAL cCurrentPaymentTypeMethod$ property inherited from Class SO_CommonEntry_UI. Can this be done and, if so, how would it be coded?
  • AP Invoice Data Entry - How to Clear Invoice Date Auto Populated

    In AP Invoice Data Entry, when user selects invoice no, the invoice date will be auto populated. Is there way to turn this off? My business partner told me script might be required if I want to clear the invoice date. I did the similar thing in Sales…
  • Script - Sales Order Line - Promise Date Change

    Hi, I need to change Promise Dates on multiple Sales Order Lines for a range of item numbers. I wrote a little script that connects via ODBC into Sage and grabs the SalesOrderDetail information for the items that need to be changed and puts it into…
  • Script to trigger from VI - Problem with Exit Sub function

    Hello, I have been working on a script that launches after a visual integrator job and have run into an issue with the Exit Sub function. I have seen other threads about how you have to define the Sub first when triggering like this but can't quite…
  • Can someone help me understand SetStorageVar and GetStorageVar?

    I'm trying to use a script to store the ShipToAddress1, 2, and 3 field values prior to having a script fire off a button click which does an address validation through a 3rd party plugin. I have the address validation working. However, I cannot get the…
  • oScript.InvokeButton("xxx") Alternative in BOI Script

    I am using a BOI script to check if the Unattended Barcode Import Task is running. If it is not running, the script starts up the UI for Unattended Barcode Import. But I need to programmatically press the "Proceed" Button in the UI. Any ideas? Is…
  • Scripting adding extended description

    Hi All, I know I must be missing some basic concept here. I have a client that wants to insure that all items have an extended description. Here is what I have: sType = "" retVal = oBusObj.GetValue("ItemType$", sType) If sType <> "1" Then Exit Sub…
  • Stop use of unfinished items

    Hi All, I am working on what should be a pretty simple script. Got it to work but then changed the trigger for it and now I cannot get it to fire off. I have setup one of the categories in inventory as "Raw". I will enter Y in the items that I want…
  • Is AP_VendorElectronicPayment_bus available through BOI?

    I am having trouble trying to create a new record using BOI for AP_VendorElectronicPayment. It is in the Object Reference, but I get a 200 error when I attempt to instantiate it. I have it typed correctly, and the user account I am using has access to…