Sales Order History files not created?


We had something strange happen once last week, and now once again today. 

We had an order which was not acceessible through Sales Order and Quote History, so accounting contacted me. After checking our database, I noticed that there was no record in so_historyHeader or so_historyDetail. Has anyone every had this happen, or know what may cause this??


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    A record is not created in history or open files until the order is accepted. I have seen incidents where someone writes an order and then either data entry crashes or they cancel out by mistake and they expect the order to be there but it is not. The order is kept in memory and is not written to file until accepted.

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    A record is not created in history or open files until the order is accepted. I have seen incidents where someone writes an order and then either data entry crashes or they cancel out by mistake and they expect the order to be there but it is not. The order is kept in memory and is not written to file until accepted.

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