Change Zip Code in A/R Account-Zip Code doesn't exist. Zip Code is in Library Master Setup


Sage 100cloud Standard 2020 Ver.

(Zip Code in question 95037-Morgan Hill, Ca)

When I attempt to change the zip code for a customer in the A/R Customer Maintenance module, I receive a message:

Is this a new Zip Code?

When I select No, Sage will not allow me to change the zip code (reverts to previous zip code.)

When I go to Library Master/Setup/ZIP/Postal Code Maintenance and enter the zip code the fields are populated (hence the "No" answer above)

(If I select "Yes" for the new zip code question, I am presented a form with blank fields to complete)

Am I missing something?

How do I get the new zip code in for the customer without duplicating the zip code in the database...?

  • 0

    Maybe there's something missing on the record? Can you open the zip code file in data file display and Maintenance and see if it looks like everything is there? Maybe the country code is missing or something.

    I tested that zip code on my system and it seems to work fine for me.

  • 0

    Maybe there's something missing on the record? Can you open the zip code file in data file display and Maintenance and see if it looks like everything is there? Maybe the country code is missing or something.

    I tested that zip code on my system and it seems to work fine for me.
