Fixed Assets

Running Sage 100 Cloud 2019. I have not previously used Fixed Assets.  When I try to run it a message tells me it isn't installed but it is in the list of installed modules in Company Maintenance.  I can't find a phone number or website to get help.  IDK who my reseller is - they have been bought and bought again... frustrated.  HELP

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    Fixed Assets is a separate software program (purchased / installed separately). 

    Someone can correct me if I'm wrong... but I believe the FA programs in Sage 100 are only for managing the integration with that external software.  Take a look at the PDF (location in below image) for a bit more information.  (Sage can tell you who your Sage Partner / reseller is).

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    Kevin is correct. The module in Sage 100 used to be called the Fixed Assets Link, and it is just that - a link between Sage Fixed Assets (Depreciation, etc.) and Sage 100. If you own Fixed Assets you can download and install it, otherwise the Fixed Assets "Module" in Sage 100 won't have anything to connect to.

    A good number to use for contacting Sage is (800) 854-3415.