AR Customer Summary Sales Total - exclude tax & freight ?

We would like to have reporting on customer's sales, that excludes Tax & Freight paid. I read this was done by going into AR - Setup - Accounts Receivable Options, 6-History - uncheck "Include Sales Tax and Freight". But how do we go about recalculating the field for customers so that it is accurate for historical and going forward?

Parents Reply
  • 0 in reply to Kevin M

    What if I did: 

    begin transaction
    ;with _newbalance as (SELECT
    Year(InvoiceDate) as FiscalYear,
    Month(InvoiceDate) as FiscalMonth,
    sum(TaxableSalesAmt+NonTaxableSalesAmt) DollarsSold
    FROM [dbo].[AR_InvoiceHistoryHeader]
    Group by Customerno, Year(InvoiceDate), Month(InvoiceDate)
    Update SH set [DollarsSold] = isnull(_newbalance.[DollarsSold],0.00)
    FROM [dbo].[AR_CustomerSalesHistory] SH
    left join _newbalance on SH.CustomerNo = _newbalance.CustomerNo
    and SH.FiscalYear = _newbalance.FiscalYear
    and SH.FiscalPeriod = _newbalance.FiscalMonth
    rollback transaction
