Crystal Reports Year Parameter


I have created a report that pulls from AR_InvoiceHistoryHeader, AR_InvoiceHistoryDetail, and AR_Customer. It has a parameter to pick an item and then it has a cross-tab of the quantity shipped for that item by month by customer. I know that I can put two date parameters in, a start and end date, and then through record selection say that the AR_InvoiceHistoryHeader.InvoiceDate is between {?StartDate} and {?EndDate} but this is not ideal for this report.

Here is my question, is it possible to just select the Year through a parameter, like all of 2014 for instance. I created a static number parameter called Year and attempted to place it inside of the record selection formula but the report has totally frozen now. In the record selection I had AR_InvoiceHistoryHeader.InvoiceDate Between ({?Year},01,01) and ({Year},12,31). Apologies if the syntax is slightly off but the report is totally frozen now so I can't actually look at the record select formula.

I imagine there must be a way to do this?


Here are the data table joins, if it matters:

AR_InvoiceHistoryHeader Enforced Inner Join to AR_InvoiceHistoryDetail on InvoiceNo

AR_InvoiceHistoryHeader Enforced Inner Join to AR_Customer on CustomerNo