Disappearing some SO backordered lines

Hi there,

I really hope you can help me with something unusual that has been happening here for the past month.

We've been experiencing some issues with SO backorders. Normally, when we print the Pick Ticket and there isn't a sufficient quantity, it backorders items. When the invoice is done, the Sales order still contains all the items that have not been fulfilled. However, with certain Sales Orders, when we invoice them, the lines that are partially fulfilled are being deleted, and only the ones where the backorder quantity is the same as the original quantity remain.

I've checked, and the items have the checkbox for Allow Backorders activated. So, I have no idea what's going on there.

Thank you in advance for any clues.


  • Hi Kevin, thank you for answering. 

    In the question, I mistakenly inverted the kind of items that were backordered incorrectly. The only ones that were correctly calculated were the ones that were partially invoiced. All the others had an invoice backorder of zero, and then the Sales Order lines were deleted.

    I checked the posted invoice as you told me,  and it is getting zero in BO if nothing is shipped. Then the SO line if deleted, but just because the BO column is not being calculated properly.

    Why could this be happening?

  • 0 in reply to Barbara Ines Gonzalez

    We've seen that when importing invoices using VI, where the source file doesn't contain all lines.  Are you creating invoices using some sort of import process?

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