Adding a button to Sales Order Entry to print a specific picking sheet form type


We have different types of picking sheets that we use and print multiple types per sales order. Everyone always forgets to change the form code so we waste a ton of paper. Is there a way to add another button to the Sales Order Entry page to open up a print window with another default picking form selected? 

I've attached an image of where I want to add the button:

Parents Reply Children
  • 0 in reply to Kevin M

    We use different forms. We don't need multiple copies of the same form, is there a way to print different form codes with this multi-part printing? 

  • 0 in reply to ArmanXavier

    You design one RPT with all the features needed, conditional changes to each copy based on the ShadowText values (which are passed into the report, runtime).  As long as you don't need major structural changes for the different copies (e.g. portrait vs landscape), it works well.

    It may be possible to create a button... there are a few threads with similar things being discussed (I'm not sure if anyone has succeeded for a form), but there is certainly nothing simple to make that happen.

    Using multi-part is easy, after the report design work is done.