Crystal reports within Sage so slow for one user


User has a new workstation and running crystal reports takes forever. A report that takes a few minutes to run for a coworker takes overnight for this user. We have checked the firewall on the server and workstation. Uninstalled and reinstalled Sage, also crystal reports designer, and the 64-bit ODBC. Reinstalled the PDF Converter, and manually registered the cdintf.dll files and also checked the security on the registry entries. Tried printing with tasks spawning from the server and workstation. Ran the workstation in MAS90 mode as well from the server. I think that’s everything I did. Looking for any more suggestions. Thanks. (v2017)

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    Check for slow network links between the user's machine and server (wireless) or bad print objects (error status, bad drivers...).

    If you're on Advanced and use CS-ODBC make sure it's enabled for the Sage login used.

    I've also seen DNS slow things down.  If you re-install the workstation from a UNC with the server's IP address (instead of the server name), that might help.

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    Check for slow network links between the user's machine and server (wireless) or bad print objects (error status, bad drivers...).

    If you're on Advanced and use CS-ODBC make sure it's enabled for the Sage login used.

    I've also seen DNS slow things down.  If you re-install the workstation from a UNC with the server's IP address (instead of the server name), that might help.
