Standard item description does not print when Extended Item Description box is checked

I'd had been having a problem with extended item descriptions not printing in purchase orders and called our vendor for several issues including this one.

They checked the form and found nothing amiss, but did find that our check box for extended descriptions was not checked.

I thought this had corrected the problem but recently found that when this box is checked, the standard descriptions do not print.

Any idea what the issue could be and is there a simple fix or do I need to call the vendor again?  I have included a copy of the form format below:

  • 0

    When you say that when the Extended Description box is checked the standard description does not print, that is not possible. If an item has an extended description then the first 30 characters  of the extended description is the standard description.  Can you please post when is in the @itemDescription formula and let us know if you added any tables to the report. 

  • 0 in reply to BigLouie

    It's very possible.  Look at the old formula for @ItemDescription (below), and think of what the output would look like if the ExtendedDescriptionKey = 0000000000 and the checkbox was on.

    It's so common that we have a note on our upgrade checklist to look for exactly this (in customized forms).

  • 0 in reply to BigLouie

    It's very possible.  Look at the old formula for @ItemDescription (below), and think of what the output would look like if the ExtendedDescriptionKey = 0000000000 and the checkbox was on.

    It's so common that we have a note on our upgrade checklist to look for exactly this (in customized forms).
