Print Copies of Picking List According to Item Quantity Per Order


Hello everyone,

I created a picking sheet form to print out as a thermal label customized to a merchant's specification. The label has two unsuppressed sections (rest suppressed), Group Header SO_SalesHeader.SalesOrderNo and the Group Footer. The Group Header consists of fields pertaining to the sales order information, such as PO number and return policy text, and the group footer contains a subreport, linked by SO_SalesHeader.SalesOrderNo, that displays the items in an order. The subreport has everything suppressed except for a report header, which displays the column headers, and a detail section that displays item number, qty, etc.

We need to print picking lists for each order X number of times, with X depending on the total quantity of items being shipped for that order. 

I have tried searching for hours and I cannot find much information regarding this. 

May I ask for some help with this please? And thank you in advance.

  • 0

    Create a UDT with a column that just has numbers counting up beyond the highest quantity you ever want to print.  1, 2, 3, 4...

    The do a <= join of that UDT to your quantity column.  Put a UDT field on the report but suppress it (something from the UDT has to be in the report for it to be effective) and your lines should repeat as you wish.

  • 0 in reply to Kevin M

    That a really cool idea.  It sounds like it would work if you want every picking list to print one per quantity.  My client has specific items that should print in multiples, and others that will print one per line, so we had to use a custom process.

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