• Invalid expression when in advanced logic filter

    I'm trying to create an advanced logic filter that will only capture a few specific customers. With the operand's available I've tried just about every way I can think of including all 20 of the companies. Does anyone have any examples for formatting…
  • How to script an AP division number restriction in Invoice Data Entry?

    I need to restrict certain divisions from use in AP Invoice Data Entry for certain roles. The division restriction is the challenge. One cannot use a Pre or Post Validate script on the VendorNo field as would be done in S/O with CustomerNo. Since VendorNo…
  • Can't figure out Event hook

    I have a script for Item Maintenance that is connecting to Item Warehouse, summing up QtyOnHand and then writing it to a UDF on the Main Panel. The script works when I can get it to run, but I am having trouble figuring out which Event I can associate…
  • Accessing Business Objects with a Client side script?

    Hello, I have a script complete that runs a SQL Query and returns the results back in a MsgBox. The very last part I need to do is access the Sales Order Number to include this in my "Where" clause for my Query. This needs to be run on the Client…
  • Script possible with PO RoG Landed Cost panel / table?

    I am trying to script some sort of data flow from the receipt into the Landed Cost panel / table, but nothing seems to work. I want to calculate a value based on receipt lines (conditional percentage), and write that value as a Landed Cost... without…
  • UI event script, scrolling through order lines on panel post load, corrupts line entry

    (Tested on v2017.2 Standard and 2018.3 Standard). I stripped my script to just a loop through oLines on a panel UI script (see below script code ). With this active, when I add / edit lines, then click off the tab then back to pLines, the lines on an…
  • Script for overriding AccountKey in JC Job Posting Entry

    v2018 (so scripting in JC is possible). I'm writing a script to override the GL account for Job Posting Entry lines. (Detail PreWrite event). I can get the override to work, with a SetValue but the grid does not refresh with the new value. retSet…