Cash Receipts Journal: Full amount is posted in General Ledger, but not to accounts?


We had a strange event occur a few days ago. For one of our batches, the Cash Receipts Journal processed all of our checks except for the last 4 in the batch. However, the full batch was posted to the General Ledger, and the full amount shows (including the last 4 checks). However, the last 4 checks were not posted to the customer accounts so we can not close their invoices. 

We discovered this issue after calling these customers about paying their invoices. They were sure that they paid them, and sure enough, when we went back and checked we had the physical checks and have already cashed them. The first thought that comes to mind is doing a one-sided entry, however, we would like to know how to troubleshoot what went wrong and if there is a more appropriate way to deal with this. 


  • 0

    There are two (2) files to check. AR_OpenInvoice and AR_TransactionPaymentHistory.  See if there is a value in field 33 Payments Today and 34 Balance in OpenInvoice. In the history file see if there is a payment record. You might want to look in the system activity log to see if there was an error recorded that day.

  • 0 in reply to BigLouie

    Thanks for the response BigLouie. I queried these tables by checkno.

    For the checks that did not process there is no record in the ar_openinvoice table, and for the checks that did go through there is a record in the ar_openinvoice table.  Inside the ar_TransactionPaymentHistory, there are records for one of the checks that did not go through but the other three have no data which seems strange to me.  

  • 0 in reply to Surya IT

    The Open Invoice table will  not contain checkno information. You would need to query by invoice number.  If there are no records in the AR_TransactionPaymentHistory but the data hit the GL and bank rec then you need to create the records needed in AR_TransactionPaymentHistory. If you have not done this before work with your reseller and as always do in a test company first.

  • 0 in reply to BigLouie

    BigLouie, I checked the tables and we have records inside both tables. What would you advise from this point? 

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  • 0 in reply to Surya IT

    I'm not sure I fully understand what you are saying here, but I had something similar to this happen a week or two ago.  Have absolutely no clue as to exactly what was the cause.

    Cash receipts posted to the general ledger and to the bank recon module but not to the customer's accounts in A/R.  I did end up finding that the deposits were still present in the data files by using data file display and maintenance, but when you went to cash receipts entry you couldn't see them.

    Ultimately,  we reinitialized the cash receipt entry files to clear them out.  Ran the ARWAR4 utility to clear the flags that indicate that invoices are in the process of being paid.   Re-entered the missing deposits and updated.   Then we had to reverse the G/L entry so as not to duplicate.  Then deleted the duplicated deposit from the bank rec module.


    This is one of the strangest things I think I have ever seen happen.  I wish I had an explanation.

  • 0 in reply to TomTarget

    Hi Tom, 

    What was the file name you searched for in Data File Display and Maintenance?

  • 0 in reply to Surya IT

    I believe I found the orphaned records in AR_CashReceiptsDetail.