Sage 100 Application Server Startup


Within the application server startup, what method or argument can be used to have Sage 100 application server "Start" when it launches. 

  • 0

    Look at the target of the shortcut called "Sage 100 Application Server Startup" that should be added to your start menu.  It should look something like this.  

    "C:\Sage\Sage 100 Advanced 2019\MAS90\Home\pvxwin32.exe" -mn lib\_appserv\apssrv.ini lib\_appserv\server -ARG SAGE

    The last argument, "SAGE", is the server that the command will start.  So if you open the "Application Server Configuration", you should see a drop down that lists the servers configured.

    You don't need to launch the "Application Server Configuration" to start the application server.  Just use the shortcut or command for "Sage 100 Application Server Startup" and it will start the application server.

  • 0 in reply to David Speck

    Also, you can use SysInternals AutoLogin tool (it encrypts the password too) to configure the server to auto login using a dedicated "service" account to run sage 100.  Then throw that "Sage 100 Application Server Startup" shortcut in the service account's StartUp folder along with a shortcut that has the following target.

    C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe user32.dll, LockWorkStation

    When the server restarts, it will auto login and that will trigger the two shortcuts in the StartUp folder, which will start the application server and lock the user session.

  • 0 in reply to David Speck

    Yes, the sysinsterals Autologin tool is great for that. Thanks!

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