Export Invoices From Prior Day and Where Sales Order Begins With J


I need to export invoices that are from yesterday's date and the related Sales Order begins with a J.

I am a novice at using Sage Intelligence, but I have some SQL experience. I understand that it's not actually SQL.

I'm able to get the below SQL to work with a hard coded date.

SELECT AR_InvoiceHistoryHeader.CustomerPONo WHERE AR_InvoiceHistoryHeader.CustomerNo='INSERT CUSTOMER NAME HERE' AND AR_InvoiceHistoryHeader.InvoiceDate={d'2023-01-18'}

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    You can set the Sage Intelligence report to filter by today's date and SalesOrderNo Begins with J.

    Set the report to output the file to a shared folder.

    Use the MS Task Scheduler to run the report every day @ 11:59pm.

    When you come into the office the next the there will be an Excel file in the shared drive with the previous days J orders.

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    You can set the Sage Intelligence report to filter by today's date and SalesOrderNo Begins with J.

    Set the report to output the file to a shared folder.

    Use the MS Task Scheduler to run the report every day @ 11:59pm.

    When you come into the office the next the there will be an Excel file in the shared drive with the previous days J orders.

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