Paperless office and direct deposit stubs printer error -30 - one computer only?


Client got a new computer workstation.

Now the infamous printer -30 error comes up but only when printing direct deposit stubs to paperless.   Any other payroll report or anything in any other module is OK.   Only at this one computer.

I've been through all the usual tricks and still coming up empty.

Sage 100 2015 standard pu 3.

Workstation is Windows 7 pro service pack 1.

Checked folder security rights - fully open.

Other users logged in at the workstation appear to have the same problem - so it seems to be workstation related.

Uninstalled and reinstalled workstation including wksupdate

Checked permissions on registry entries.

Correct crystal files are in syswow64.

Tried redirecting to a different folder for pdf storage.

Tried different printer drivers (driver had a PCL 6,  tried PCL 5).  Note that printing the stubs works just fine.  Problem only exists when sending to pdf.

Turned off electronic delivery.

Changed windows default printer.

Created a SAGE printer port.