Inactive Cost Code Override

Is there a way to prevent a user from overriding an inactive cost code warning? We use the Job Cost module and have specific cost codes set up for each job. When entering a AP invoice, if an inactive cost code is entered a warning pops up letting the user know that cost code is not active. However, there is nothing stopping the user from simply pressing the override button and entering the incorrect code anyway. Is there a spot in either Job Cost set up or AP Set up where we can block a person from overriding the warning? Thanks in advance. 

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    I would suggest a script. There have been a couple of scripts posted in which a person is not able to do something such as change the terms code.  Not hard.  Here are a couple of examples:



    if terms = "00" then
        retVal = oScript.SetError("You selected Terms Code '00'.  Please select a different Terms Code.")

        retVal = oScript.InvokeButton("fldr.pMain")
    End if

    if oSession.ASObject(oSession.Security).IsMember("admin") <> 1 then
    retval = oScript.SetError("Sorry you are not authorized to change the credit limit. Nice try!")
    end if