Time Off Maintenance Apply button/function not doing anything in New PR v2019

Sage 100c Adv 2018.2 w/PR 2019.0

Want to apply new Time Off Code "PTO" to All employees regardless of Eligibility Date.  When I select PTO as the Code - click Apply button - leave EE and Eligibility Date to All - click Proceed - quick refresh of the screen happens and when I check any EE, nothing was added to the Time Off Code field on the Benefits tab.

Any ideas of what I'm doing wrong or is it a bug?

The PTO code is set to Accrual Method = Fixed; Hour/Year = 80; Carryover Allo. = 0.00 for all 3 of the Time Off Descriptions (Vacation, Sick, and Other).

Tried creating a VI job and when I import to EE Masterfile and Assign PTO Code with Eligibility Date = 1/1/2019, it skips all EE.  Any idea why?

Thanks for anyone's input.