Explore will not open on my computer but will on others

All of the sudden explore won't work on my computer. I have logged into Sage on other computers and my login allows me to access Explore.

What can I do? I read Solution ID: 111941 in the Knowledge base, but I can't find System Manager in Sage 100cloud Advanced 2020 (Version I also read in another post that Sage may be pointing to the wrong Excel? How do I figure out that?

  1. Go to System Manager, Maintenance, Security Groups
  2. Select the Security Group to grant access
  3. Choose Module ID BE
  4. Explore views for all modules are listed
  5. Choose the desired Task(s) to grant access

Thank you!


Parents Reply
  • 0 in reply to jah72773

    One other option:

    editing the registry can cause serious issue with your system - be careful

    Shut down Sage 100 on your workstation
    Use regedit on the workstation where Explorer Views are not working-

    Delete the following registry key
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Sage Software\BIE Explorer\Products

    Restart Sage 100 and access Explorer Views

    John Nichols
