Customer Statements


Is there an option to run customer statements for customers with a balance less than a specific amount? (Ie, less than $100.00)

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    If you're using a specific software or platform, I recommend consulting its documentation or contacting their customer support to inquire about the availability of such a feature. They can provide you with specific instructions on how to generate customer statements for customers with a balance less than a specific amount, such as less than $100.00 in your case. MyBalanceNow

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    If your goal is just to see who owes you a small amount, you can do this in a lookup in Customer Maintenance by creating a Balance calculation then filtering by that amount.

    If you do need to actually run statements for those customers, then you can get the list by adding a query, and import a statement cycle code into those customers. Then run statements for that statement cycle. Optionally you could use the customer type field or the sort field. It appears UDFs are part of the statement printing process, so you should be able to use a UDF for that purpose.