Be in the Sage 300 ERP Know with Twitter

2 minute read time.

Tired of not knowing when the latest payroll tax updates become available? Missed that latest HotFix that resolves an issue you are encountering? Need to know when maintenance is happening or when there is a closure?

If you said yes to all of the above, then the best way to keep up to date with all the latest Sage 300 ERP support information is by following us on Twitter (@Sage300ERPCS). The information we share on Twitter is all in real-time so you will always know when product updates will become available for example. But if you are waiting to get these updates via email, it may not be as current and you might miss it, especially if you have a very busy inbox.

If you are following us then you are one of our almost 800 followers (and counting) that are ahead of the curve but we have heard from partners and customers that say they don’t want to follow our Support Twitter account (@Sage300ERPCS) because they don’t tweet.

There seems to be a misconception that you have to join Twitter in order to see what people tweet or that if you have joined Twitter, you are forced to tweet. These misconceptions are very far from the truth.

Below is a screenshot of our Twitter profile:

As you can see we are not logged into Twitter yet we are able to see all the tweets from @Sage300ERPCS on its Twitter profile page. How is that? I don’t have a Twitter account, you say.

Well, anyone can see anyone’s Twitter profile as long as they have the URL and access to the Internet. The URL for the Sage 300 ERP Customer Support team is:

However, visiting this site everyday for any of our Support information and updates can be time consuming, which is why we recommend to our partners and customers to follow us on Twitter, which does involve signing up for a Twitter account.

But just because you have a Twitter account, it doesn’t mean you should feel compelled to tweet. There are plenty of people who have Twitter accounts and don’t tweet. These people are called lurkers. They sign up for Twitter so they can read tweets from their favorite celebrity, sports team or TV show.

Below is a screenshot of the @Sage300ERPCS Twitter home page when we are logged into our account:

This is where you see the benefit of joining Twitter. Here in one place, we see tweets from everyone that we follow, which is better than visiting several times their Twitter profile pages checking for updates. All you need to do is just keep this page open in your browser and when there is an update, it will let you know (see below).

If you are not familiar with Twitter, I recommend starting with a small amount of people so as to not clog your Twitter feed with too much information. 

Ready to join Twitter? Simply, go to and sign up.

If you have any questions about using Twitter, please don’t hesitate to ask in the comments.