• Sage 300 Subscription Expiration messages.

    We recently had a case where a customer complained that their subscription licenses expired, resulting in their system going into read-only mode during a rather busy period prior to year-end however they received no warning messages prior to the system becoming read-only.

    This prompted an investigation during which we confirmed what is supposed happen, as well as tested that this does indeed occur, and I thought to share…

  • Error Code: -2147467259 - Unknown error 0x80040200 when printing reports in Sage 300

    We recently had a case where a customer got the below error whenever they tried printing any reports. 

    Often when cases are first logged with support, not all the relevant detail is supplied and, as a result, the complete picture often only becomes clear after several interactions. So, to make this easier to read, I have summarised all the information gathered in the next paragraph.

    In this specific instance, the issue…

  • How LanPaks work with 3rd Party Integrations

    We recently were requested on some clarification on how LanPaks are consummed for Sage 300 integrations with 3rd parties.

    Where the 3rd party was advising the client that Sage had changed our Lanpak policies so therefore the integration would no longer work with the lanpak count that they originally had. This occurred after they upgraded the environment from Sage 300 2019 to 2024.

    They believed that they could no longer…

  • Sage 300 2023 License Manager and Version 8.8

    We have updated our licensing version for Sage 300 Subscription customers. In the License Manager you will now see Version 8.8 for most modules and 8.0 or 7.3 for Payroll. In March 2024, Payroll will be exclusively 8.0. This simplifies your upgrade process by not having to update your Subscription licenses for every new release.

    You can find out what version of Sage 300 you are using from the Help menu. Choose About…

  • Troubleshooting event viewer error codes.

    A customer recently encountered the error “Cannot connect to Sage 300 Signon Manager” and, when checking the event viewer, the error code 2147943660 was displayed.

    To get the relevant error message description, firstly convert the error code 2147943660 to hex: 800704EC.

    This can be done using e.g. Google or Windows calculator in Programmer mode.

    Next, take the last 4 digits (04EC) and convert to decimal…

  • Tracking Employee Vacation Time

    Employers in different Provinces in Canada and different States in the US have their own offerings when it comes to vacation time but all offerings are within the regulations in each employee’s jurisdiction. A couple of commonly used methods with setup steps based on certain scenarios are referenced below:

    • Lump Sum method – the employee gets a lump sum at the beginning and not accrue any hours or amount for the…
  • How do I get more information into my General Ledger from modules.

    A wildly unused feature of Sage 300 is General Ledger Integration.  This feature will increase the level of details that populate GL entries from the subledgers.

    How to:

    GL Integration is specific to each modules.

    • Open module, Select Setup, then G/L Integration, Transaction tab.
    • Each Transaction Type is specific to each function.  If you double click on each column you can define what additional information to include…
  • How do I diagnose an error in web screens

    The most common error in web screens appears during login. 

    This error is an Unexpected error:

    An unexpected problem has occurred. Please try again or contact your administrator for assistance.

    What to look for:

    1.  Check <Sage Programs>\Online\Web\Logs\trace.log
      1. This debug file is populated with errors during startup and login. Note the timestamp is GMT time
      2. Each section will give some feedback to what is occurring…
  • My Financial Reporter report does not have the correct numbers.

    Financial reporter derives values from specification defined in Column A and B in the spreadsheet.

    The most common use is to define an account group to a section in the sheet. When troubleshooting issues with FR the first level is to verify accounts associated with groups.

    How to verify accounts to groups:

    • Select G/L Reports, Chart of Accounts
    • Select Report Format Detail - Long Form
    • Do not change default
    • Print report…
  • Intermittent performance issue when posting Accounts Payable batches

    After diagnosing issue with SQL Profiler, determine a long query against PMPROJS table and then single record fetches to PMPROJT table. 

    The behavour is intermittent as not all AP Batches are Project Job Cost entries so only occurs when particular projects are referenced in AP entry. 

    Sage 300 PJC was not optimized to work with large open project data set, and does not filter by a particular project or phase, but queries…

  • Where is documentation for Sage 300 2023 Product update 3

    With the release of Sage 300 2023 there is a major change to Sage 300 Database structure.  Download now includes 4 document files:

    1. Sage 300E What's New in Version 2023.3 (Video)

    2. Sage 300 2023 Release notes

    3. Sage 300 Enhanced Security (Has step by step information on how to setup)

    4. Sage 300 Security guidelines.


  • Error: "Your Password has Expired. Ask you administrator to change it" may occur in Sage 2023 Product Update 3 Environment

    With the recently released Sage 300 2023 Product Update 3, the following message may occur if your user account password has expired when attempting to log in to Sage.. 

    "You password has expired.  Ask your administrator to change it".

    In the lead up to this expiry, you would receive a message "Your password will expire in XX days.  Do you want to change it now?".. 

    It is recommended to change the password…

  • Error: "Failed to Establish the Vault and Store Databases" May Occur After Installing 2023 PU3 and Setting Up the Vault and Store Databases in Sage 300 Database Setup (A4WSETUP)

    After installing 2023 Product Update 3 (2023.3) you may encounter the following error message during the initial configuration of the Database ID Vault and Store Databases.  

    The assumption is that the Vault and Store Databases have been created in SQL Server Management Studio and the correct SQL Login ID and Password has been entered.

    Possible reasons for this error could be:

    1. Run Database Setup - "As Administrator" …
  • Where is the Sage Intelligence workstation setup install registry key?

    There was a scenario that the client didn't uninstall Sage Intelligence workstation setup before their old server was already offline with the new server in place. When the client tried to uninstall Sage Intelligence workstation setup, the program was looking for the old server which is already offline with "Cannot connect network server"  error during the uninstall.  

    Please make a backup of the registry if…

  • How to import into P/O Purchase Order?

    In Sage 300, it allows you to import one or more entries into P/O Purchase Order by using an import template to import the data. There are different types of files formats you can generate to fit your needs. For example, Excel, Single CSV file, CSV file, Access, ODBC, and XML. 

    The steps to generate the import template are as follows:

    1. Go to File--> Export in P/O Purchase Order Entry.
    2. Select the type of file you want…
  • Sage Intelligence Task Scheduler after execution leaves Excel.exe process in memory. Process is not shutdown by task scheduler.

    This is a known issue with task scheduler and is being investigated by Sage Intelligence development.

    As a workaround, use a batch file to launch report and add in a task kill statement to clean process.

    For example.

    TASKKILL /F /FI "USERNAME eq <UserName>" /IM Excel.exe

    (Note: Change <UserName> to Domain\User or Local user that has rights to execute in the operating system).

  • How to Resolve Error "Login Failed for User .." When Trying to Run Sage 300 Intellgence Report

    The following error message may occur when running a Sage 300 Intelligence Report : 

    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Login failed for user 'sa'. 

    Viewing the Tenant Cache you can see that the DB Pswd field is blank:

    To resolve this message, you will need a Connector Module entitlement.

    Launch the Sage Intelligence Connector 

    Select the Sage Accpac (Auto Connect) connection.

    Uncheck the "Use Auto…

  • Sage Intelligence task scheduler does not perform automated task

    With the introduction of Microsoft Server 2019, a change in task scheduler causes a malfunction in task from executing. 

    Add the below folders listed folders: 

    **Make sure the task will be created with administrative privileges.

    Navigate to the below folders and ensure there is a Desktop folder.



  • You have exceeded the maximum lanpaks, when accessing through third party applications.

    With the release of Sage 300 2022 which was launched in August 2021 Integration Access Pack (IAP) is no longer supported, and applications that used IAP licenses now using lanpak licensing.

    It has been found that third party applications connecting to Sage 300 may experience connection failures resulting in lanpak.bin maximum licenses being exceeded.

    When application opens a session the connection holds a lanpak license…

  • Tracking Employee Sick Time

    Different Provinces in Canada and different States in the US have their own regulations on sick time compensation. Different employers may also offer different Sick Time/Pay to their employees through use various methods but are within the regulations in each employee’s jurisdiction.                                                                                             

    A couple of commonly used methods are referenced below:

    • Lump Sum method – the employee gets a lump sum at the beginning and not…
  • Do you know there are three Sage related items under Windows Start menu for Sage 2023?

    For Sage 2023, there are now three Sage 300 related menus (Sage 300, Sage 300 Admin Utilities, and Sage 300 Support Utilities) under Windows Start menu. 


    In Sage 300 Admin Utilities menu, there are some new items (Data Activation, License Manager, and Current Users). Please see below screenshot.  

    Users can now use these utilities without the need to open Sage 300.  

    Hope these information help. 

  • What is Compensatory/Banked Time?

    Compensatory/Banked time is a practice that employers can use to track additional hours that an employee worked instead of compensating as overtime pay. Compensatory/Banked time can be setup as an accrual in Sage 300 to track these hours worked. Since there is no calculating method or an increment amount or percentage, some standard setup options for an accrual code are not available. The employees accrue compensatory…

  • Where to Specify the Component Item Description for Bill of Materials

    When you click the Components Button in Order Entry for a line item that consists of a Bill of Materials (BOM) the Component Description displayed is the BOM Master Item Description.

    This is a setup issue for the BOM.. Go to I/C Items - Bill of Materials.. Select your Master Item

    Double-Click on the Component Item to bring up the I/C Component's Bills of Material screen.

    If this description is Blank, then in…

  • Do you know there are different types of O/E Orders in Sage 300?

    Do you know there are different types of O/E Orders in Sage 300?  

    There are four different types of O/E Orders you can do:

    • Active
    • Future
    • Standing
    • Quote

    For Active type of O/E Order, it can contain items on backorder or may be on hold. If the order is not on hold, you can post and print the an invoice for shipped goods. 

    For Future type of O/E Order, Day End Processing automatically activates future orders on the order…

  • Basic understanding of Pennsylvania Local Taxes in Sage 300 (Setup, Calculating and Reporting)


    There are many Pennsylvania local taxes that are supported and they are stored in a Repository table that is updated by the Sage 300 tax updates. These local taxes must be setup and added before they can be available to be added to any employee. When setting up an employee with Pennsylvania local tax, usually a Resident (R) and Non-Resident (NR) tax code is required. These usually references the Home (R) and Work…