Technical tour of diagnostic tools: COM Spy

1 minute read time.

In the first of a three part blog series, we want to take a look at the different diagnostic tools that are available to you.

These diagnostic tools (COM Spy, DBSPY and RVSpy) are used for monitoring, tuning, diagnosing and solving issues that arise in the field. 

First up we take a look at the COM Spy tool (formerly known as Accpac Spy).  This particular tool is seldom used unless you are looking for a specific error you see on screen.

To get an understanding of the different diagnostic tools, here is the Sage 300 ERP Architecture and how these diagnostic tools relate to it:

As you can see, COM Spy should be able to diagnose any problems you may encounter with the various COM and ActiveX controls that make up a UI form as well as System Manager COM API.

The screen UIs in Sage 300 ERP that are made of “Active X Controls: include:

  • Text boxes (AccpacFieldControl)
  • Lists/Grids (AccpacViewList/AccpacGrid)
  • Buttons
  • Finders (AccpacFinder)
  • Etc…

A COM Spy log should not be used to diagnose any automation errors. Instead use a RVSpy/DBSpy combination log.

You will need to run a COM Spy if you see:

  • Any UI related issues
  • Web Deployment issues

  • Issues with A4wcontainerxp.exe

Have this information handy when you call into our support center as our analysts may ask you for it.

To run a COM Spy log, go to Start>All Programs>Sage>Sage 300 ERP 2012 (or whatever version you are on)>Tools>COM Spy (or Accpac Spy).

So that is our look at COM Spy. Next week we will take a look at what is a DBSpy log and when you will need to run it.

If you have any questions about COM Spy, let us know in the comments.

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