Stock conversion factor



1 bag = 50 units meaning we buy one bag but the bag contains 50 units. We don't store by bag, but by 50 units. How do I set the unit of measure on the stock item?



  • +1
    verified answer

    Stocking unit must be your lowest unit of measure.  So you would set this up with a stocking unit of EACH (or UNIT, or whatever you want to call the things in the bag).  Then set up another unit called BAG, with a conversion factor of 50.  In your Vendor details or PO Contract Costs, you can set it up so that your default purchasing unit is BAG, and sage will understand that it contains 50 units.

  • +1
    verified answer

    Stocking unit must be your lowest unit of measure.  So you would set this up with a stocking unit of EACH (or UNIT, or whatever you want to call the things in the bag).  Then set up another unit called BAG, with a conversion factor of 50.  In your Vendor details or PO Contract Costs, you can set it up so that your default purchasing unit is BAG, and sage will understand that it contains 50 units.
