I upgraded from 2023 to 2024 SAGE 300 but when I tried to login on the web screen, it gave me below error

when i try to logging via http locally, any help please 

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    Hello Erick, 

    May need to get customer support to review the setup of web screens (IIS etc).. one thing you can try is doing an IISRESET but it's probably best if you contact customer support and open  support ticket.



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    I think it might be related to the Application Pool.. maybe it's not started but that is just a hunch.

  • Hi  If you make extensive changes in IIS, sometimes I've found the Sage installer cannot configure IIS and you might need to do it manually, or, clean-up IIS then repair your Sage 300 2024 install.  Make sure your Portal Database has been refreshed in Database Setup.  I use LocalSystem as the AppPool identity but you need to make sure Local Account IIS_IUSR has permissions to the \Onsite\* folder in your Sage 300 apps directory. Make sure the Sage.CNA.WindowsService service is running.  Make sure you can access Default Website and reach the Welcome to IIS screen - if that basic screen errors there is no way Sage will work.  Also ensure you don't have any authentication methods installed under IIS - should only be Request Filtering ticked on.  Finally I've attached a zip of my IIS Setups for Default and Sage sites you can swap-in to have a look if you want by changing the directory mappings to suit your file structure - IIS_Sites Hope something helps you out!  Cheers