A/P Vendor Transactions


I am having an issue when i run the A/P Vendor Transactions (APVTRN01) report.  When the options under show (applied details and fully paid transactions) are selected when the report is generated it returns "Document Description" in the document description.  However, when those options are not selected i can see the description eg. "Professional services - Jan 2023".  Can anyone advise what may be causing this issue?  I am running Sage 300 2022 PU1

Top Replies

  • Hi  I've gone ahead and run the stock factory report APVTRN01.RPT and pasted the results below.  Please see my mark-up's on this screenshot and reply confirming your path to the APVTRN01.RPT Crystal template (see how mine is in the stock location), please provide a screen (if you can) of the issue showing "Document Description" under "Document Description" - it could just be your explanation but I don't have a "Document Description" on mine.  Please also reply with your Crystal file's modification date and size - I'll paste the one from my Sage 300 2023 PU1 lab system below too.  Is there a chance you're running a custom version of the report?  Factory reports will ALWAYS have a modified date of midnight 12:00:00 AM.

    Screenshot of my report showing the file path (C:\Sage300Apps\AP70A\ENG\APVTRN01.RPT):

    Details of my APVTRN01.RPT file (Modified: 29 August 2022, 12:00:00AM, Size: 178KB).

    Overview of my Sage 300 2023, PU1 System and confirming report parameters.  Are my parameters identical to yours? Please advise:

    Good Luck!

  • Hi  I've gone ahead and run the stock factory report APVTRN01.RPT and pasted the results below.  Please see my mark-up's on this screenshot and reply confirming your path to the APVTRN01.RPT Crystal template (see how mine is in the stock location), please provide a screen (if you can) of the issue showing "Document Description" under "Document Description" - it could just be your explanation but I don't have a "Document Description" on mine.  Please also reply with your Crystal file's modification date and size - I'll paste the one from my Sage 300 2023 PU1 lab system below too.  Is there a chance you're running a custom version of the report?  Factory reports will ALWAYS have a modified date of midnight 12:00:00 AM.

    Screenshot of my report showing the file path (C:\Sage300Apps\AP70A\ENG\APVTRN01.RPT):

    Details of my APVTRN01.RPT file (Modified: 29 August 2022, 12:00:00AM, Size: 178KB).

    Overview of my Sage 300 2023, PU1 System and confirming report parameters.  Are my parameters identical to yours? Please advise:

    Good Luck!
