Financial Reporter Account Reference Syntax


Ok Financial Reporter gurus. I cant figure out the correct syntax for account references with multiple segments. I have a client with an account segment that use 3 segments. I want to select a range of accounts that can filter on the 3rd segment. 

For example accounts 1000-100-01, 1000-100-02 and 1000-100-03. I want to select a range that includes ALL of the first 2 segments but only 02-03 of the third segment. I cannot get it to work. Is there a way to use column B instead to exclude a specific segment code?

Parents Reply
  • 0 in reply to wheumann

    Ya, this is more what I was thinking. I thought there was a way to use column B as a filter. I'll test it out. Does <> "01" work? They have several dozen segment 3 values. Would be easier to exclude the one. Or maybe, because I want to filter the first one on the list then > "01" might work. I'll do some more testing.
