Financial Reporter Account Reference Syntax


Ok Financial Reporter gurus. I cant figure out the correct syntax for account references with multiple segments. I have a client with an account segment that use 3 segments. I want to select a range of accounts that can filter on the 3rd segment. 

For example accounts 1000-100-01, 1000-100-02 and 1000-100-03. I want to select a range that includes ALL of the first 2 segments but only 02-03 of the third segment. I cannot get it to work. Is there a way to use column B instead to exclude a specific segment code?

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    FRS is a fully integrated (no Excel required) financial reporter for Sage300 which is much easier to use and has way more features. It's also fairly inexpensive.

    In FRS, you can just select the segment from the drop-down list and enter a range (using the finder if you wish).

    Having said that, are your segment values all 2 characters long? If you have values like "021", "024", "031", "034", "041", "044" and you are trying to get all the 02s to 03s then you will have to do something like:

    ACSEGVAL03 >= "02" AND (ACSEGVAL03 <= "03" OR ACSEGVAL03 LIKE "03%")

    FRS does this automatically.

    Otherwise, just  ACSEGVAL03 >= "02" AND ACSEGVAL03 <= "03"  should work. 

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    FRS is a fully integrated (no Excel required) financial reporter for Sage300 which is much easier to use and has way more features. It's also fairly inexpensive.

    In FRS, you can just select the segment from the drop-down list and enter a range (using the finder if you wish).

    Having said that, are your segment values all 2 characters long? If you have values like "021", "024", "031", "034", "041", "044" and you are trying to get all the 02s to 03s then you will have to do something like:

    ACSEGVAL03 >= "02" AND (ACSEGVAL03 <= "03" OR ACSEGVAL03 LIKE "03%")

    FRS does this automatically.

    Otherwise, just  ACSEGVAL03 >= "02" AND ACSEGVAL03 <= "03"  should work. 
