Accounts Payable options in Intercompany Transactions company

My users report that one of our two intercompany modules has a data entry process than it is different to that of the other, and its driving them nuts.

They finish typing an API entry, click on "Add", then Accpac creates the next entry - fine - but when the user clicks on "close", Accpac unnecessarily asks them, "Are you sure etc?" (even though there's no data to save).

I thought this was an option in AP Options, but I can't see it in the Accpac pane navigator in either ICT company.

Is there a way to access the options bypassing the navigation pane?  Or a way to re-instate the program in the navigation pane, to check/test the available options?

[Sage Accpac 300 version 2014]

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    No - there are no hidden options. AP options are taken from the target companies AP Setup Options.

    You say there are 2 ICT companies? Check user options in each company, confirm on exit etc. I can't remember exactly what they are, but they could be different.