
sage 300 API integration using service error dbslink.c - 1274 - ==>No free links

Posted By FormerMember

Hi All

I have a client running 6.3. I have a application that sends calls via message queue and a service that then reads said queues and integrates into 300. we had a terminal server where integration sed to be running but about a week ago that server fell over due to high work load as all their users used the TS server. Our Integration service was running on that server with no errors or hickups for a few years now. To eliminate the high load on the ts server we got an application server going. once i installed the service there the integration works but every now and then it falls over and the only error i can get is the following dbslink.c - 1274 - ==>No free links in event viewer. I can't seem to find any info on this error except from stephen smith's blog where he talks about opening to many links without closing them. I however cannot take this as the error as that would mean that the service should have given this error on the other server as well which is still up and running with no issues. I have also spoken to 5 other integration developers that have been integrating with 300 since the dos days and they also could not help. Please can someone give me some advice or point me in the right direction??

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    I would go into the code and have a look to make sure that you're closing everything down properly. Run rvSpy/dbSpy and see if the links are staying open. While I, too, have uttered the sentence "but nothing has changed" many times in the past, there's nothing that anyone can do with the information that you've given us above.