Unable to post an OEOrder, get vague error back


I have been working with the Sage staff and currently still do not have a resolution to this issue. Effectively I am making a request through the API to enter an order for a purchased item from the website. Initially I was getting errors I expected like the change of field types and expected data but now I am only getting the following:

"error": {
"code": "General",
"message": {
"lang": "en-US",
"value": ""

According to the Sage DPP rep I have been talking with the issue stems from some COM API dying. The logs have the following in them when I make the request:

Timestamp: 2018-11-01 2:30:14 PM
Message: Error-[Tenant:] [Company:] [Module:] [User:] - Sage 300 Web API encountered an error for Url 'IPADDRESS/.../OEOrders'.:
(Inner Exception)
Exception Source: NAME.Advantage.COMSVR.Interop
Exception Type: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException
Exception Message: Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component.
---- Stack Trace ----
NameCOMSVR.NameSvrViewClass.BlkPut(Object& FieldIDs, Object& pValues, Boolean Verify) in NAME.Advantage.COMSVR.Interop.dll
NAME.Advantage.Server.View.BlkPut(FieldValue[] newValues, Boolean verify) in NAME.Advantage.Server.dll
NAME.Advantage.View.BlkPut(Int32[] fieldIDs, Object[] fieldValues, Boolean verifyValues) in NAME.Advantage.dll
Sage.CA.SBS.ERP.Sage300.Common.BusinessRepository.BusinessEntity.BulkPut(Int32[] fieldIDs, Object[] fieldValues, Boolean verifyValues) in Sage.CA.SBS.ERP.Sage300.Common.BusinessRepository.dll,file: BusinessEntity.cs,line: 1084

(Outer Exception)
Exception Source: Sage.CA.SBS.ERP.Sage300.Common.BusinessRepository
Exception Type: Sage.CA.SBS.ERP.Sage300.Common.Exceptions.BusinessException
Exception Message:

I am able to get a customer and update them, but OEOrders always fails, even when using the most simple request to create that I took from the SampleIntegration on Github.

So far nothing has resolved the issue. Any help would be appreciated. We are using Sage 2019 with the latest updates.

I am just adding some info here. All I am currently doing is making a request using Postman to the RESTful api. I can create an order as long as no OrderDetails are in it (as in items and their quantities). The stack trace above is from the trace.log in the WebAPI folder. I genuinely think this is a Sage issue.

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