Small text box on various maintenance screens

On a few workstations we are seeing the behavior in the screenshot when opening I/C Maintenance as well as other screens/forms.  I have checked the forums and performed the steps of changing the compatibility mode for High DPI monitors and this does not seem to have resolved the issue.

Sage 300 2014 PU3 on Dell Precision laptops Windows 10 with screen resolution 1920 x 1080.  On a Windows server with the exact same screen resolution we do not get the same behavior.

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    Users have the ability to resize some of the windows within Sage, which is saved to their user profile. If a user on another computer has resized their window to go beyond the standard resolution you are testing, it could cause the above problem. Max out the resolution and test again. If the window appears, resize it to a smaller dimension and then switch the resolution back to the recommended setting.

  • 0

    Users have the ability to resize some of the windows within Sage, which is saved to their user profile. If a user on another computer has resized their window to go beyond the standard resolution you are testing, it could cause the above problem. Max out the resolution and test again. If the window appears, resize it to a smaller dimension and then switch the resolution back to the recommended setting.
