Bill of Materials - Commit Components


Is there a way of committing components to an order that has an item that contains a Bill of Materials so that the Location details is updated.

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    In the past I created a macro that created a "fake sales order" will the sum total of all of the BOM components on all open orders. Each time the macro was run the order was deleted and re-created. It was numbered to appear at the end of any report so people new that it was never to be shipped.  But ti then created the demand on inventory that other processes needed to see.

  • 0

    In the past I created a macro that created a "fake sales order" will the sum total of all of the BOM components on all open orders. Each time the macro was run the order was deleted and re-created. It was numbered to appear at the end of any report so people new that it was never to be shipped.  But ti then created the demand on inventory that other processes needed to see.
