Does ACCPAC.Advantage depend on Windows.Forms?

Trying to use the .NET ACCPAC.Advantage library in a console app and it's saying I need a ref to windows.forms DLL? Is this normal? Do I really need win forms?

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  • 0 in reply to JStrz

    I don't know.  I've been using the Sage COMAPI with Dotnet C# and VB for many years, and have never had that problem.  Here is a snippet:

    AccpacSessionMgr sessionmgr = new AccpacSessionMgr(); // As New AccpacSessionMgr
    Int32 sid = 0;

    sessionmgr.AppID = "XY";
    sessionmgr.ProgramName = "XY1000";
    sessionmgr.AppVersion = "60A";
    sessionmgr.CreateSession("", sid, out Program.Globals.session);
    Program.Globals.a4wLink = Program.Globals.session.OpenDBLink(tagDBLinkTypeEnum.DBLINK_COMPANY, tagDBLinkFlagsEnum.DBLINK_FLG_READWRITE);
    Program.Globals.a4wLinkRead = Program.Globals.session.OpenDBLink(tagDBLinkTypeEnum.DBLINK_COMPANY, tagDBLinkFlagsEnum.DBLINK_FLG_READONLY);
