When logging into the Sage 300 Webscreens, if I attempt to change the Session Date, I get a Warning message - "You can change the session date only if no windows are open".

When logging into the Sage 300 Webscreens, if I attempt to change the Session Date, I get a Warning message - "You can change the session date only if no windows are open". Therefore, I cannot change the Session Date.

How do I change the Session Date in Webscreens with this blocker?

  • This was reported earlier this week by another partner. We are looking into this. What version of Sage 300 Web Screens are you on? Was any error received in the web screens prior to this message?

  • in reply to John Thomas

    And, as far as any messages in the web screens, when I log in I initially get this message "Session Date in Locked Fiscal Period - Your session date is within the range of a locked fiscal period in your defined fiscal calendar. You may need to select a different session date to avoid errors when processing transactions." That message was what prompted me to want to change the session date.

    Hope this helps!

  • in reply to John Thomas

    And, as far as any messages in the web screens, when I log in I initially get this message "Session Date in Locked Fiscal Period - Your session date is within the range of a locked fiscal period in your defined fiscal calendar. You may need to select a different session date to avoid errors when processing transactions." That message was what prompted me to want to change the session date.

    Hope this helps!

  • in reply to Jerry Stowe

    We have replicated this in-house and are looking at it.

  • in reply to John Thomas

    Hi. Any update on this error? I have a client experiencing the same issue.

  • in reply to Samantha Saul

    Unfortunately we had another high priority item that came but we will be back to this soon. I will keep you updated and we are reviewing the status of this issue bi-weekly.

  • in reply to John Thomas

    Hey, I have an update on this. This issue seems to be sporadic and is likely caused by an unexpected shutdown of the browser which leaves the local storage in an out-of-sync state.

    Therefore, for our upcoming Sage 300 2022.2 release in April we will remove the "open window" restriction and allow the session date to be changed regardless of the state of open windows. We will display a message, such as: "The new session date will not be used in screens that are currently open. To use the new session date in these screens, close the screens and then open them again."

    Additionally, we will be producing a KB article that describes how to access the local storage via the browser developer's tools to reset this flag. While this is not ideal from a customer perspective, a partner will be able to assist in this endeavor of resetting the "ALLSESSIONS_OpenScreenCount" flag in the local storage to 0 if it is not 0 and there are no open windows in the browser. 

    Finally, the session date may still be changed by the user by logging into the Sage 300 desktop, changing the session date, and then logging into the web screens.

    I hope this help!