Item Segment Length Change


When I try to change the segment length I am getting the following error.

How can I change the segment code length?

Sage version: Sage 300 Standard(version 2019)

  • Could you create the new segment 4- make it a long segment.

    Change all your items to this segment code.

    then you might be able to change the length of the segments in options, at worst via SQL. then do another Item change.

    So do a two part item change to get to your desired result?

    Of course you should create a test database and do all this in that company first.

  • Could you create the new segment 4- make it a long segment.

    Change all your items to this segment code.

    then you might be able to change the length of the segments in options, at worst via SQL. then do another Item change.

    So do a two part item change to get to your desired result?

    Of course you should create a test database and do all this in that company first.

  • in reply to Stacey Orrock

    You must use SQL to do this, I've done it before.  If there are only a few items and a few transactions in the database, a non-professional with SQL experience could do it.  But if OE and PO are involved, you have to be super careful to keep ICITEM.FMTITEMNO equal to POPORL.ITEMNO, PORPCL.ITEMNO, OEORDD.ITEM, etc. on any open transactions. PO is especially breakable.