Which versions of Sage 300 support TLS 1.2 (i.e. for Avalara plugin)

We have Sage 300 2020 update 2 and our Avalara plugin won't connect to the sandbox envionmnet (but it does connect to production). It appears to be because the Avalara Sandbox requires TLS 1.2 (but production doesn't until the end of this month).  

My question is whether Sage 300 2020 update 2 "supports TLS 1.2" for outgoing connections from plugins that presumably use their SDK.  And if not, what version do we need?  

We have the latest Avalara developed integration installed, on Windows Server 2016, and have verified that TLS 1.2 works from other applications.

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  • in reply to Team Equation

    That makes sense because I would have through that it would be totally up to Avalara to support TLS 1.2 within the plugin that they write, and not dependent on which version of Sage it is used with.   But I don't know if perhaps the plugin has to go through some Sage SDK code in order to make an outgoing connection to the AvaTax service API.  

    However, if Avalara has already depreciated incoming REST API calls using TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 (in sandbox now and production at the end of the month), then how could it be possible their own Sage 300 plugin doesn't support it yet?  And when we pointed out the issue to their representative, he pointed to their blog post stating we had to talk to Sage to find out if it "supports TLS 1.2".