Sage 300 Web API - ICDayEndProcessing

Hi All,

I am developing a website that will use Sage 300 Web API to integrate with Sage 300 data.

Currently, I would like to run the IC day end processing in my development, but I am confuse on the payload.

Does someone have a sample or tutorial on the ICDayEndProcessing payload?

I get this payload example from Swagger UI.


Parents Reply
  • 0 in reply to Angel_

    Ok, sounds like you have strong experience with Sage 300. Do you have access to an active Sage 300 partner? Happy to forward your details on to the Sage 300 Development Partner team if so as they offer support for integrations and the API.

    For direct assistance from the Sage 300 DPP team you'd need to be registered as an active partner in your region of Malaysia. Here's some details on the sign up process. Believe I may have found an account related to your email but not linked to being a partner account.
